I wish gifs were still a readable size on Jez. But this is my FAVORITE EPISODE so I'm with you.
I wish gifs were still a readable size on Jez. But this is my FAVORITE EPISODE so I'm with you.
I've been extremely fortunate in my encounters with fellow geeks, I guess. Whenever I meet someone, male or female, who can converse about Doctor Who, Tolkien, anime and D&D, we pretty much instantly hit it off because it is so great to find another person who shares your "weird" interests. But I was never really a…
This weird nerve association can also make a yeast infection cause your feet to tingle unpleasantly. I'm not nuts, I googled it, it's a thing.
He didn't actually touch it, I managed to keep him at bay that much. I did not want to pick up someone else's child and physically remove him from the room.
Do you mean by that that Steve Carrel is secretly awful or just that because they have worked together he might be. Cause I really hope not!
Noooo not Lemon AND Benson!
boo :(
I must have totally missed Tracy Morgan's bad press, aside from him being basically exactly like Tracy Jordan. Not sure if I wanna know :(
Can celebrities I like on TV just please stop breaking my heart by actually being assholes. I just keep thinking, Tina Fey is friends with him! How can he be so bad? But this is pretty bad.
I guess it's possible there was some touching up, but I definitely see skin folds and normal protrusions and a width of limbs here that would not pass today's inhuman standards.
I don't even know any women who have a belly button ring anymore.
Seriously admiring these lovely pre-photoshop ladies! Nothing needs to be airbrushed, imagine that!!
It's really only bad when I have a very attentive audience and I really want to eat a sandwich. (break time? what's that?! we eat on our feet!)
I work in a bakery and there's a window in front of one of our workstations so people can watch us making stuff. Frequently parents will hold their small children while they bang on the glass and just laugh like it's the cutest thing. Then one day while I was shaping loaves, a 3 or 4 year old darted through the…
all the more dysfunctional! lol
Isn't anyone disturbed about how dysfunctional their relationship would be if they were romantically involved??? Or am I misremembering how shitty Bert treated Ernie?
That is definitely not Jada Pinkett Smith's Matrixy haircut.
Awesome parenting acknowledging (some) teenagers do this stuff, allowing her to see it and talking about it!!! If I watched that as a teen my mom would have walked into the room and flipped shit at basically anything that would have been on screen at any given time and told me never to watch it.