
I watched Skins for Nicholas Hoult. I am the biggest fan of About A Boy and then I recognized him in Warm Bodies and felt really weird about how hot he was. And then I went back and watched him in Skins and kept feeling really weird about it, even moreso cause of his character. He's only like 3 years younger than

I was going to "recommend" this but I don't know how I feel about that... hahaha

Their mac n cheese is LEGIT. But... bacon ice cream?!?

I wasn't aware that all happily married women had to dress in sweats 24/7! I better start analyzing my wardrobe more carefully! On the other hand, I came home the other day and it took me like 20 minutes to realize my husband was wearing my shorts. They could pass for man-shorts if they weren't on the purply side

I literally just found out in the past few weeks that I'm low on D and woefully low on B12. My doctor told me (without much proof, I think) that I must not be able to absorb it through food and I have to get the shots. I am not seeing this doctor anymore for a variety of reasons, I am a serious needle-phobe and the

don't forget men grilling and using power tools and women drinking wine!

I think Asian babies are outrageously cute and I'm not into babies. I don't know if that's okay but I'm right there with you. I'm a pale whitey and Mr. Maneki is Indian. I just wanna take a peek into that alternate universe to see what they would look like but then not actually have to *have* them!

I thought the same, but then I thought that something like 30-40% of the long term couples I know are interracial, but in my parents' generation (again, that I know) - none. So I think that number will be going up a lot very soon.

I'm a 15%er with no intention of having kids but every once in a while I feel very abstractly like that's a waste because these kids are like super extra cute.

Perfect time to plug an incredible jewelry artist (and a Pagan and a Tolkien nerd, I could not love her more!) who made this sweet elvish headpiece:

Aw, I don't think I ever saw any of those. Sucks. I believe it of course, but the truth hurts!

I never particularly noticed it being different than the men (this is the UK one I'm thinking of.) Maybe he yells at the men more.

He puts on his asshole act big time for the US shows, in the UK ones he's tough but fair and often compassionate, he just curses a lot. Not that I'm defending how he is in real life because I obviously had no clue ;_;

That totally sucks. Aside from one episode where the narration kept making light of the fact that the restaurant was run by all women as if it were some great novelty, he always treats ladies pretty well on his Kitchen Nightmares show!

I'm gonna go cry now.

Nooooooo not Gordon!!! My world is crumbling. Is no one who they seem to be?!


I once made a basket of home-baked biscotti (I was the office baker and now bake professionally so it was legit), my hand-blended loose leaf masala chai, a nice mug with stirrer-sized cinnamon sticks, AND a $5 starbucks gift card to boot! for a work white elephant thing. It was the only hand-assembled gift and the

I was about to ask the same.

I can't even wrap my mind around this concern. I'm 26 and I've been married 3 years - I have three friends who are married and none with kids. Most of the others are not even seriously dating. Unless there is a mad dash to get knocked up in the next four years, I do not see anyone I know playing into this "have