Sorry, but I disagree. The fact you believe men only can be toxic, just for being men, and this woman can’t be toxic, manipulative or violent, just for the fact she is a woman, it’s the worse case of mysoginy.
Sorry, but I disagree. The fact you believe men only can be toxic, just for being men, and this woman can’t be toxic, manipulative or violent, just for the fact she is a woman, it’s the worse case of mysoginy.
She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out…
With all due respect, no. She didn’t tell the truth, she was also an abuser, and was found guilty in a court of law. This has NOTHING to do with Gamergate. It’s not that she’s imperfect. She did bad stuff and got caught.
“This guy” is the focus of the article, yes.
keep in mind that 34.99 isn’t just for the console, it also covers 2 years of xbox live and game pass. which, if you paid for everything individually would cost you $859.
I suppose a headline using endgame was inevitable.
Isn’t that delusion officially called “The Gawker Fallacy”?
It doesn’t affect my enthusiasm at all. Dude was datamining and leaking classified business information, putting it on youtube for “views”, and got called out on it. Wah...poor him?
Ooblets wasn’t Kickstartered, though. There was a Patreon, but none of the Patreon tiers included a copy of the game.
To quote Jim Jefferies: "You know the government has drones right? You're bringing guns to a drone fight".
Titan Quest on Switch is fine, but it has a sh!t-ton of bugs, and sometimes not only graphical ones. Like, a quest item not appearing when you open the chest it is supposed to be in, thus locking you out of any progress, story-wise, and then you need to start the whole “mission” over and over again until it works…
I fully understand that there are a number of arguments and justifications for piracy (to include exorbitant pricing models in some nations, inaccessibility of titles in nations where they were not formally released, etc).
Understanding that does not change one fundamental fact: In most cases, piracy. Is. Theft.
I mean, iirc Edge was told he could fucking die in the ring if he took the wrong bump (Sheamus has the same issue that retired Stone Cold and Edge and I nearly had a heart attack a couple weeks ago when it looked like Titus was going to drop him on his neck). That’s not really the issue with Bryan, its more long term…
>>>”He’s had 7 bills he’s proposed in his entire career passed, and that’s combining his House AND Senate runs: 2 renaming post offices, 1 renaming a day in Vermont, 2 that were amendments that were wrote up as bills for some reason, and 2 dealing with Veterans.
>>>”So at this point, I’d kinda like to shove a grapefruit into Bernie Sanders’s self-righteous fucking face. It’s not about the country, it’s about Bernie Fucking Sanders. He’s gotten almost NOTHING done for the country in his career, unless you count helping the Republicans keep Gitmo open, which tends to get…
It’s easy to “speak truth to power” when you represent a tiny liberal state with no major manufacturing, no big banks, no extractive industries, and no military bases that will continue to elect you even if you get nothing done, as long as you keep speaking truth to powerful people who ignore you.
I just find it very funny that the Keaton, a child said “Just out of curiosity, why do they bully? What’s the point of it?” Keaton began. “Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to ‘em? It’s not okay.”
Here’s some free legal advice from a lawyer who handles these sort of things:
So let’s follow that concept to it’s logical conclusion - the officers leave a woman, who escalated within two minutes and actively went toward the officers within the 21-foot “kill zone” (and Mythbusters has shown this isn’t even enough). That leaves a woman with two knives in an altered state of consciousness and…