
I absolutely agree with Atlus and the content protection laws on this. Streaming the gameplay in a game like this can really hurt sales more than with other types of games.

I hate to get in the way of your hatefest you got going with those big old blinders, but you do realize that Bomberman is Konami right? But please, please do keep blaming Nintendo for everything, it’s funny as hell.

Also, cheat devices. Oh.

At this point you’re literally spewing nonsense. The fact remains that Nintendo still sells Metroid 2 via the VC. This remake creates a secondary, free version of Metroid 2. Nintendo, the owners and creator of Metorid 2 have the right to step in and say stop selling a knock-off of our on the market product on a

I am not even sure if they asked them to shut it down. Some users in the Pokemon Go Dev reddit reported that Niantic started to block requests that come from servers of cloud service provides like Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is also possible that they started blocking all requests that came from the service provider

DDOS is the weapon of script-kiddie edgelords.

This is part of what I’ve been telling everyone. It’s the increased server load and the fact that the developer comments I’ve seen is that it’s logging in as a user to get the data and that may very well be against the API’s ToS. That, or, there’s a rate limit that was being exceeded. I’d say that 50M unique visitors

They track vaccines and autism rates, as well as tons of other things that could be affecting autism (through retrospective and prospective studies). It’s the same way people studied links between lung cancer and smoking, even though lung cancer occurs years after smoking.

“Over 80 percent of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury.”

I get that. What I mean to say is that he knows how an executive branch of government works. The government wouldn’t break, but it would attempt to do horrible things (ref: Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43).

He is ostensibly pro-choice (I say ostensibly because he also supports mandatory counseling [which doesn’t seem very libertarian, but what do I know], parental consent laws, etc.) but wants Roe v. Wade overturned because of states’ rights.

THAT one I can comment on, tho more to the comments section in general than the situation: