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    Sony V Bleem didn’t prove anything of the sort, that’s a common misconception. Sony v Bleem was over how Bleem was advertising their emulator using screenshots taken from Sony hardware without permission.
    Bleem was allowed to fly because it requires the original media, aka the disc, to be inserted to run. That

    Moreover, Nintendo won’t even acknowledge that the user has to supply their own decryption/encryption codes to even play the games. Codes that were legally purchased with the system or illegally gotten some other way.”
    Legally you don’t purchase the code itself, it’s not yours to do what you want with. That’s like

    Except they like fighting right now, see also DeSantis nonsense. And they don’t particularly like Elon because he agrees with DeSantis. IF he hadn’t gotten involved, they might have settled, but now? They’re gonna smack him.

    Sorta. You had to buy a giant oversized adapter called “The Power Base Converter” to play Master System games on the Genesis.

    People still know what all of those are (and I can Has Cheezeburger’s website is still alive.)

    It definitely violates Japanese law, it likely violates US law.
    And yes, they get to enforce Japanese law outside of Japan, just like US companies can enforce US copyright and trademark laws outside of the US. It’s an agreement between the countries, otherwise no one would honor anything and everyone would just make

    One could argue that all Sony does it throw money at it as well though. Sony pays quite a bit for 3rd parties to make games exclusive to the Playstation, mostly to avoid this very FTC anti-merger situation that, being the overwhelming market leader, would likely lead to them losing in court. Then, if they produce good

    Games cost $70 because, surprise, they hadn’t adjusted for inflation for over a decade. Cost of making a game has gone up across the board, prices didn’t, meaning that every game had to sell more and more copies in order to break even. The increase balances it out and lowers the number of units sold to break

    Except it’s because it was the house. In the Senate, both sides took turns blasting her for this, most notably the two Washington Senators, who, while they have a bit of a bias toward MS, are Democrats. This issue would be better classified as Republicans and moderate Dems versus the extreme left wing of the Dems.

    Not really. Sony’s whole case (and by virtue, the FTC case) is completely dependent on getting a judge to say “Nintendo isn’t a competing console maker”. Without that statement, Sony’s whole case falls apart. At that point, all MS does is point as Nintendo and say “They’re #2 and they haven’t had a Call of Duty since

    Because, it’s all likely but currently redacted, that Sony demands that same knowledge from MS to allow Sony owned studios, like Bungie, to develop stuff for XBox.
    And they should have no legal protection of their “positioning”. Even merged, MS/Act/Blizz is still a massively smaller chunk of the industry than Sony

    They thing most emulators ignore, and really shouldn’t, is the last actual emulator lawsuit that found them not illegal (not Bleem!, that came after and was about marketing), also stated that the emulator was required to read from the original media. IF you read the Bleem! lawsuit, Sony even acknowledges Bleem! wasn’t

    You say, as Disney has basically announced the vault is coming back for various titles in their catalog....

    The problem with your logic is that you assume Nintendo doesn’t want to make them again. There’s a million reasons they aren’t at any given time, maybe the demand for that game isn’t there, or there’s a copyright issue they need to untangle first. By allowing people to use an emulator, you devalue any future sales if

    I think it falls apart when they admitted they played and recorded x number of hours of the game and “still struggled to understand it”. There’s a point where that becomes fishy. 5-10 hours into a campaign game? Sure. 50+? You’ve crossed a line really. And it’s made worse by this:
    “it seems like an amazing experience

    notice where it explicitly states that security measures that restrict the backing up and use of legally obtained software on another device CAN be circumvented if there is no other alternative

    This is no surprise. Mythic is very bad at this. I loved Enchanters, great game, I backed the one that Mythic did after they bought them up. Everything was bad. From day one. And now I get emails from mythic basically selling all their remaining stock of their other games for like 80% off because they’re deperate for

    That’s not entirely true. The delivery company basically jacked the prices to ship it, took the money, then demanded even more money. It ended up bankrupting Holy Grail, and at that point, the delivery company started selling Rallyman Dirt to retail companies rather than the backers. I see them in stores now all the

    It goes to the Competition Appeal Tribunal, or CAT. The CAT is an independent body,and no one from the CMA is on the CAT. Basically, MS is saying that the CMA ignored the rules (they did, we’ll get to that in a second) and therefore the ruling should be tossed out.
    As far as the rules go, the CMA must prove that the

    The reason it was allowed was until he actually had the mod and showed it off, there’’s nothing they could do. It was all speculation. Once he not only showed that it existed for real, and released it to the public, that’s when they had a concrete proof it existed and put him in the crosshairs. Otherwise he could have