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    You have no idea how the industry works do you?
    Because of this, the chances of a multiplayer Zelda in BotW is now ZERO. Because he demonstrated it, Nintendo would legally have to prove they had the idea BEFORE he did, otherwise they’re stealing his idea, which is illegal. So to use ANY of that data, they have to pay

    They don’t, well, not in a positive way. There’s been studies done and published. Content creators create no sales for games made by AAA companies that had a marketing budget already. They only benefit small, indie titles with no marketing budget, since it basically replaces that. If anything, content creators have a

    No, that’s technically illegal. Hard to prove in court, but at the most basic level, copyright laws allows you to use an “archival copy” (the legal name for a backup) to replace or repair your original if it gets lost or destroyed by no fault of your own. Not “play it on a system it isn’t licensed for”.

    “Archival copies”, not backups. And according to the copyright law (DMCA has nothing to do with this part, it’s older copyright law), it’s illegal to use them for anything other than restoring/replacing your originals if they’re lost or destroyed by no fault of your own. People tend to skip that part of the rules.

    Again, no modern, 3rd party emulator has attempted to survive a lawsuit. Digital files count, but only if the original media was only a digital file. What’s worse, I saw a lawyer theorize (not ruled on, clearly) that IF a company were to sue for a digital emulator, they could, in theory, under current law, require

    Yes, you have to continue to own it. You can’t legally own a rip of something you no longer own. You’re legally required to destroy the copy once you sell the original.
    And it gets more technical then that but most emulator users don’t want to hear it: it’s not legal to use your ROM unless the original is destroyed by

    Why I love people who are getting mad at politicians taking shots at Sony in the most recent trade agreement negotiations with Japan. Sony is ABSOLUTELY a monopoly in the very sub-market in Japan they convinced the FTC to use in it’s anti-trust lawsuit to stop the merger. They’re absolutely guilty of all the things

    Microsoft does have valid arguments (such as the fact that Sony is using bad faith arguments against the merger, that it wouldn’t effect the market nearly as much as Sony says it would, etc). The shit the politicians are shoveling at this point? Taking what SONY and the FTC wrote and making it backfire on them. Sony

    So Bleem! has very little to do with this. Bleem! was sued for using screenshots without permission and managed to prove it was fair use for use them. However, all throughout the Bleem! lawsuit it’s noted that Bleem! was a legal emulator because the code was clean and “the software requires the original media to be

    According to the US government, no. The FTC brought this designation on itself, as it’s the basis for the FTC’s lawsuit to stop the MS buyout of Activision. They literally needed to cut out everything but Sony and MS to drive MS up to #2 in a market in order to go “We can’t have #2 buy up EVERYTHING”.

    1. Yes
    2. No, not any time soon, even if the deal goes through.

    Nintendo’s decision to keep their games exclusive has nothing to do with development time. Multiplatform development has been standard for over a decade. It’s not that complicated. You just hire additional people to work on the ports during development. This is a well-established process.

    Genshin Impact is coming out for the Switch, isn’t it? It’s also available on iOS, Android, and Windows. How is that exclusive?

    Yes but no. He’s got the majority of the power but not the majority of stock (only like 37% of the stock). Part of the agreement you make with the FTC when you set up that kind of stock is that you have to take actions that are in benefit of the majority of stockholders. This is why the hush money got him, it was for

    Actually doesn’t. Last check, adding Act/Blizz to MS takes MS’s games division to #3 overall (currently #5) and still loses to Tencent at #2 (barely) and Sony at #1 by a huge margin.

    VGBC has been surprisingly specific when addressing their issues/rebuttals to Nintendo/Panda, and both Nintendo/Panda’s responses have been largely devoid of specifics.

    MS isn’t pushing the smoke screen, Sony is. Sony’s complaint from top to bottom is CoD might leave our console.
    And MS won’t get that much leverage from the merger. Even after the merge, MS would still only be the #3 gaming company in the world, after Tencent at #2 and Sony at #1. Sony will still have the most clout.

    I mean it depends on the cutoff. Act/Blizz is #6 right now, MS is #4. Combined they become #2 or #3, depending on how Tencent is counting their numbers in a given year. Sony will be unaffected at #1 (for reference, MS taking Call of Duty away would have to cost Sony over $2b in revenue to bring them down to Tencent’s

    Just buy a fucking PC, they won’t pull this crap on you.

    You’d be amazed at recovery times for things. I know a person who had a back surgery (likely not as extensive as hers) that was back at work in two weeks. I was up and walking after having my knee replaced the next day. It’s all based on how much pain you tolerate.