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    Seems like they’re capitalizing on the current run of zoo and animal conservation games. Between Ark Nova hitting the BBG top 10 of all time (#4 as I’m writing this), Wild Serengetti and Life of the Amazonia being a thing, etc, this was probably a good time to launch.

    Not the point at all. ALL trials are done like this. Both sides bicker over the legal fine print LONG before they try to prove the other side is wrong. Act/Blizz long denied these accusations. Their filings says at much. But why go through a long and expensive court case when you can get it tossed for not following

    True or not doesn’t matter in pre-trial motions. You only argue the technical details, not if the claimed infraction is true or not. True or not true is argued in the actual trial if it comes to that. If you tried to go “drop this case because it’s untrue”, that’s a whole different argument and a lot harder to prove

    Now here we are 4 days later and we find out is was actually $15 to $20k for at max of 20 hours work. AKA $1k an hour.

    Considering Platinum just stated it was $4k per session, for 5 sessions, so $20k, and that she demanded 6 figures....

    It’s gone up then. But considering Platinum just came out and said they offered her $4k PER SESSION, for 5 sessions, and that she demanded six figures and they said no, her story is really falling apart now.

    Union minimum is $425 for 4 hours. (Thanks to the Gearbox Claptrap mess where the original voice actor said he asked for $850 for every 4 hours and that it was a reasonable “double the union minimum”. So either she was getting more than minimum, or they expected her to record for just under 40 hours.

    If a poor person in the US can’t afford the game at $20...they shouldn’t buy the game, not resort to what’s legally a form of fraud (wire fraud to be exact. For reference, lying about your country of origin in order to buy something for a cheaper cost is wire fraud). It’s a game, not a necessity of life.

    Thing is, emulators of the modern era live on shaky ground anyway. The last lawsuit that said they were valid still required the physical medium to be inserted to function; straight up ROM emulators have never been tested and the government more than strongly hints that they’d lose in court because of the DMCA.

    MS is possibly cutting future games from other companies, not current ones. What Sony does is exactly the same. Sony buys out a company that used to make a multiplatform game then instead of keeping that line of games going, completely kills it off to make a “new” IP. MS bought a company and now the IP is moving away

    Absolutely not. There are very few things that a dev can do for “free exposure” that are worth what they cost in the first place and that list is basically “give a copy to a streamer with 1m+ viewers and they love the game”. That’s it. There’s been studies done, “exposure” results in a loss 99% of the time.

    I mean this is mostly unrelated, but there are places in the USA today that the fire department is a subscription service. Not covered by your taxes, you have to pay them a monthly fee to come if your house catches on fire. If you don’t, and your neighbor did, they’ll come and watch your house burn to the ground while

    If you’re a contractor working at Nintendo, you work for a temp agency, full stop. How its set up isn’t that different than any other temp agency that sends a large number of employees to a single company. Amazon has several that operate the same way, as does Microsoft and Google.

    Difference is Microsoft (and Nintendo), allow codes for games to be sold at 3rd party vendors (retail stores, other websites, etc). Sony decided to go full Apple a bit back and removed that, you can only get a digital copy of a game from them and ONLY from them. That means Sony is 100% in control of what you pay for

    So not’s not quite how it works. There’s a bunch of weird sub-laws, but LotR could now classified as a corporate authorship. If so it expires 120 years from creation or 90 years from initial publishing, unless the owner actively renews it.
    Even if it isn’t a corporate copyright at this point, because the books were

    That’s normal for every temp job I’ve had, office or otherwise, with VERY few exceptions (work today, paid today places mostly that were sending people out to manual labor). Interviews for office jobs always included people from the company I would be working at (couple of temp agencies sent me to a 1 on 1 with the

    That’s how every temp job for a temp agency ever works? I’ve never had the employee of temp agency go with me to a job site and suddenly become the manager of the place where I was sent. Went to a warehouse? You answered to the warehouse employees that worked for the warehouse’s company, in their warehouse.

    She was 8 and a half months pregnant. That’s a bit beyond fetus at that point, like it or not. Most people, even abortion supporters, would call that an unborn child.

    OR you could do research. She was 8 and a half months pregnant. Abortion in the final trimester, let alone about 2 weeks before a birth, are almost unheard of except to save the mother. So yes, unborn child. When we’re talking about abortion we’re talking about a fetus, not a child that could have likely survived

    There used to be bar crawls with themes before certain conventions before social media was really big. PAX West has a traditional Pokemon and Harry Porter themed ones.