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    Doesn’t matter. Last time a judge ruled, if you download software (it was a non-game issue), you’re permitted only copies provided by the company, since they’re providing the backup copy. You aren’t allowed to make a backup of a digitally owned software unless the company you bought it from stops providing access to

    Advertising it to run game backups is, at best, a legal gray area. Because first, you’d have to make the backup yourself, not download a ROM, and most people don’t have the ability to do so (how many people do you know own a reader for a switch cart?). Two, copyright office has stated multiple times that you can’t

    Key phrase, and you said it, “your own devices”. Once you start selling a change to code without permission, especially code that’s covered by the hacking section of the DMCA, you crossed a line. DMCA makes it a crime to attempt to bypass software designed for copy protection.

    You have to understand the legal definition of gambling, not the social one. Legally, to be gambling, one has to have the ability to earn a profit from the person running the game. Since you can’t with gatcha games, it’s legally not gambling.
    Collectable cards (namely baseball cards) used to be considered gambling.

    Early game, that’s the easiest way to get the “bonus” you need for from crowd to get 5*. Later you can get that up by muting a disc, soloing a disc, removing a disc, changing the key, changing the tempo, etc. There’s a huge list. I think the key to get get that crowd bar maxed out then occasionally do something to

    Emerald City Comic Con might as well be. They announced a date in December of 2021, which, yeah, they have a good chance of being able to hold it, but not going to be that popular in the middle of Seattle’s heavy rain/possible snow and slush season.

    The temp thing is pretty much every tech company, and Microsoft is the worst about it. The law I said got changed? Was because Microsoft kept “temps” working for them for 15+ years without making them full employees. Most of Nintendo’s temps are game testers, which, yeah, that’s an industry standard at this point. Or

    especially at Nintendo, generally regarded as one of the more gulag-like workplaces in greater Seattle, as they exploit every loophole in labor law to screw their lower-end workforce in customer service, data entry, accounting, Cafe Freakin’ Mario...)“

    No? Microsoft is worse than they are by a long shot. They

    That’s likely at least a decade out. Wii U launched in 2012 and they still allow online multiplayer.

    It’s also a Switch emulator, meaning it also guts the common argument of “well they don’t offer this game anymore” that a lot of ROM users like to use. It was literately taking a paid service actively offered by Nintendo and making it free on a platform they’ve chosen not to support. They might have triggered

    No. They don’t because all of these companies know that this is literally free advertising for them. How in hell can a company think that watching a popular athlete using your product on TV affects their bottom line negatively?”
    And yet, they still tell players to not wear their logo. If the player is bad at the game,

    Stream advertising has been an utter failure. The ratio to games that found success due to streaming versus the numbers that were unaffected or injured by it is much higher on the “it didn’t help” side. By and large, unless a super big name picks it up, the streamer is doing you no favors playing it, they’re only

    When I hear a streamer defending playing a game with “they should be grateful for the exposure”, I just ask one of my musician friends if they’re cool with their music being used for something “for exposure”. They all say no for some reason. Same with the photographers and artists.... So strange!

    Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, which in turn owns D&D.

    Yeah but you can buy a replacement PSP battery for about $15 at least.

    It looks like someone was playing a wrestling video game, making their own character where you can use a slider to make the guy bulk up and went “Hey, I could apply this to my designs!”

    They retracted both the FF and Demon’s Souls PC announcements, but yeah, it’s insane to think those won’t eventually come to PC. (Sony’s rep claiming the PC in Demon’s Souls stood for “PlayStation Console” thought deserves to be applauded for thinking on their feet.)
    Also HZD2 also got moved into the “Coming to PS4"

    Your bit about the TV leaves out another important point, in order for the most advanced features of either system to work, you need a TV with a HDMI 2.1 port. And those are rare, espeically in the 4k TV level. There’s only 13 currently on the market with it (if you trust Sony claiming they can somehow magically

    They WERE there, then Sony hedged it’s bets and announced those games are also coming to the PS4, which weakened the stance of the PS5 considerably.

    Considering to pull off the 4k 120+hz, you need a TV with HDMI 2.1, of which there’s, let’s see here... 13 TVs on the market that are 4k that have HDMI2.1 and the cheapest is an LG 55 at $1500. And no TV prior to 2019 seems to have that standard, making it even harder for the consumer to have the right TV for the job.