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    Pitchford wanted to sell Gearbox and get out of the business years ago. The story was that giant bonus he got from 2K was so he’d would stay because 2K wanted him there for Borderlands 3. Say what you will about him, he knows how to get the game made if nothing else. He also used a lot of that money to open a gamer

    Basic math explains where the money went.
    Game cost a reported $140 million to make.
    Game, at full price, sold for $60 and has sold a reported 8 million copies so far.
    2k takes ALL the money from sales until the $140m is paid back. After that, the developer traditionally gets between 10-20% of the revenue as royalties

    Exceept the guy who “broke” the fact that Pitchford was getting that bonus was their former lawyer, you know, the one that also claimed that Pitchford was part of a gay sex club that exposed itself to children and he lost a thumb drive full of kiddie porn at a resturant once. All of that AFTER they’d fired him and

    Game prices have held steady for over a decade now, despite inflation and massive increases to overhead to make those games. This is partly due to consumer resistance to change, but also because of piracy (if a game is precieved to be expensive, people are more likely to just download it).. This in turn has led to

    Problem is there isn’t much of a way to prove cause and effect with it, because to do so you’d have to get people who downloaded something illegally to admit they did so. People aren’t exactly in the habit of admitting crimes, even to a study. EU did a study with anonymous responses that showed that piracy actually

    What you’re proposing is outright a crime. Take any other item and apply that logic.
    “I want the Mona Lisa, how much?”
    “It’s not for sale.”
    “Ok, I’ll get it via some other avenue then.”
    You don’t get to decide what you get and when and what you pay for it. If they don’t want to, or can’t sell it to you, in a format you

    And again, you have no idea what the publisher/developer has planned. Are they waiting for an anniversary to re-release it? Are they trying to get the licensing rights back? Are they dealing with the ESRB again, since most of theses really old titles never went through that process and have to now, which isn’t a cheap

    I never said lost sale, I said reduced value, which has been proven over and over again. IF it can be gotten for free, than the value of an “official” release has to be lowered or more things must be added in order to get sales to a point that the effort breaks even.

    So you have no concern for what the artist wants, only your own selfish wants? Just because something is part of history, doesn’t mean we should re-live it in the now. Knowing the existence of something, learning about it, is not the same as experiencing it.
    We, as consumers, need to respect the decision of the

    Sure but not all games can be legally sold. Popeye and Willow will never come back. Why? Licensing deals. Fights over who owns the code (why the arcade Donkey Kong took so long to re-surface).
    GOG is also a fairly bad example, we have no idea how much profit any old game makes on GOG, a lot of them might be profit

    But it’s using other Nintendo property, such as the catsuit. So it’s possible. Hacks that just change how the game is played are usually ignored, ones that add stuff, especially nintendo owned stuff, those tend to get hit.

    If there is NO other avenue for you to legally purchase the game or system, more specifically the game, then lets be honest at that point developer’s and/or publishers would NEVER see a penny anyway.”
    This is flawed logic. You have no idea if the developer or publisher is trying to re-release the game in a modern

    J. Allen Brack had a LGBT pin on his collar during the speech that said “no political statements please”, which is a political message...”
    Yeah, he had a rainbow Blizard pin on. He wears that pin every year, and some would argue that being LGBT or supporting those being LGBT isn’t a political statement, it’s allowing

    But they won’t and they shouldn’t. They’ve gone on to define the rules a bit more and its basically “no talking politics” and have banned Americans for talking about American politics during events. That’s a fine rule, no one watches an esport event for politics. We’ll watch the news for that.

    Problem is that your system would allow rampant abuse. Steam doesn’t allow the same account to be logged into more than one PC and able to play games. Otherwise people would just buy the game on one account and share the account with multiple people.
    And its not “significantly more restrictive than a physical game.”

    Nor are most entry level QA jobs getting healthcare, those tend to be temps.

    Depends on the person. The lowest disclosed we know are what was at the time (early 2018), newer women’s wrestlers making $80k a year. But they’re also expected to pay most of their own traveling expenses and insurance only covers in ring injuries, so the take home is lower. Its expected they all make more now to keep

    $27k for 12 weeks. I’m pretty sure no QA job is paying $98k a year right out of college.

    Classic Atlus. Nintendo is just the publisher on this one, Atlus is the developer so its on them.

    Nope. A bunch of other games do this, Minecraft and Ark come to mind.