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    If you look at the pictures of what the police recovered, there’s a absurd amount of Nintendo stuff. Maybe he sold all the switch games.

    They likely thought he was just a maintenance guy. They aren’t the only people in the building. Hell Epic has an office in the same building. Door he broke into wasn’t something Valve was supposed to be dealing it, it was building management.

    The military serves the constitution. If Trump was supposed to leave and doesn’t, most of them will turn on him.

    Its deeper than that. Almost every state with blue urban areas and red rural areas with easy to see divides (think, any of the west coast states as an example), the red areas simply take way more money out in taxes than they put in. Those areas would colapse at an economic level without the blue support. Every time

    She had VO work before it. But that wouldn’t explain the 4 other union VO actors that are new to the series in this game. I really suspect Troy has an inflated view of what he’s worth for something that isn’t the main character but saying it was a union thing is cover for him.

    Tell that to the at least other 6 union members that took the job then. Half the new Vault hunters are voiced by union members (Amara and Moze), as are Tannis/Lilith, Hammerlock, ClapTrap, and Clay. The union simply requires that the job pays and meets their standards for a VO actor. Gearbox clearly does that or the

    She’s joined every one of their strikes, so much it got her bumped out of Life is Strange, so I doubt that.

    And yet Ashley Burch, who’s in the same union, could do Tina without a problem? Troy is leaving something out here.

    So Troy couldn’t do it because Gearbox didn’t go union and its against the rules for him to do so, but Ashley Bursch was still Tina and she’s in that same Union. I think Troy is making stuff up.

    Gearbox and 2K have said for years they pay the union rates to voice actors. They don’t want to get trapped in the “now that you’re a union place, you can ONLY use union employees” trap. If they signed the Union, all the voices from employees would be dropped because the union would require union employees to do those

    No. Clap was played by David Eddings, the former VP of Strategic Partnerships.

    They are, this is the exact same system you deal with if you own two Ps4. One is a primary, the other has to check if you can use it every time, automatic backups are disabled on the non-primary system but can be manually forced..

    He hasn’t been charged *YET*. Pay attention, defender of assholes (and yes, I know his name, and I know from everything we know about him, he’s an asshole in real life, not just on stream).

    Right, but its also those same bible thumpers as well. They’re working together without even realizing it (though I suspect the zealots know what they’re up too). Why I said they (being those man-children) don’t realize they’re being used.

    California’s invasion of privacy laws. Normally, most of them are misdemeanors, but since he filmed in a public restroom without the consent of anyone in there, it goes up to a felony. There was also at least 1 child caught on camera, that could land him in the trouble of child porn charges if they really wanted to

    Maybe I should be a bit more clear, he committed at least one felony, possibly more, depending on how hard the state of California wants to throw the book at him.

    I live in Washington, where the parks routinely kill the bastards off in masse because they destroy almost everything they get near, by pooping non-stop. I’m sure if you hate them that much, the parks department might take some volunteers...

    To be fair, they used to just be called “conservative Christians” (Parents Television Council to be exact) and would petition to TV channels to get rid of all “sexually suggestive” TV shows (that weren’t soap operas). They just have a bigger reach and idiots that don’t realize they’re doing their work for them now.

    Dr. Disrespect broke a law, live on camera. And all he got was a month. He got off light considering the offense.

    Valve, the company that didn’t do anything about actual Nazi’s using their discussion boards as a place to organize hate until the press called them out for it, is somehow not responsible for hate caused by something they said and have done nothing to correct the appearance of until this, barely there, statement to