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    Locking the door depends on either company policy or in some places, state law. It might not have been legal for them to lock the doors while a patron is inside.

    “Why the hell would you push your luck even further?”
    Maybe he got a court rigged in his favor...

    You’d think huh? Too bad my phone doesn’t. I have to write down a different code for each game on my system and keep track of that.

    No one has “official” data on how many people use the USB option. It’s a local thing and likely not tracked. Still, have you met anyone who’s used the feature that wasn’t transferring to a new PS4?
    So it’s locked behind a paywall. It’s $20 a year and most people will pay that anyway for the other features. So it’s not

    Yeah, missed that. Like most people, I don’t own an XB1.

    What feature are they offering that the modern console and it’s $60+ pay system isn’t?
    Cloud saves? Those are paid on the XB1 and PS4.
    Online gaming? Paid on XB1/Ps4.
    Free games as part of the service? PS4/XB1.

    “Withold basic features that are free everywhere else?”
    Cloud saves on Ps4/XB1: Paid service.
    Playing games online with a PS4/XB1: Paid service.

    Then they’ll worry about it then. Seriously, how many people right now have their PS4 saved to a flash drive in case of total system failure? I’m gonna guess less than 1%.

    You wouldn’t buy any of these for various reasons. Mostly price. The cost to port games isn’t nothing, there’s time and money sunk into each one. The total cost is still going to be what they would have charged for each game individually anyway.
    Combine that with having to release a game that plays the same, with no

    What you want is stupid. No company outside of MS, and only recently, allows you to carry a game from one console to the next, especially not digital. Tell me how all those PS3 games are working on your PS4, or your original Xbox games run on your XB1. Sure there are games that game with both the PS3 and PS4 version

    At fault? No. Did it fail to avoid an accident that a human might have avoided? That’s the bigger question on this one.

    You’re reading it wrong. The silver car (they’re calling it a sedan) had to swerve to avoid someone headed north on the cross street. The silver Honda then drove on the wrong side during the swerve and hit the van. This means that either A. The Honda ran a red and had to dodge cross traffic, causing the accident. Or

    Trump’s twitter followed up with statements that show that CLEARLY someone other than Trump has his phone.

    Depends on what Nyko said on the box/manual. If they stated it had only been tested up to a certain update and they make sure to say they can be held responsible for what happens if you use it after that update, they’ll likely be in the clear.

    Betamax case speficially stated that format shifting was illegal. The only thing Betamax stated was as long as there was a legal use for the item, it couldn’t be illegal per say.
    It also allowed time-shifting, which was given a very narrow definition, because you had already been “invited” the watch the program for

    Ones released before the DMCA actually do have a qualifying DMCA copy protection, the object they were printed on. Most old Nintendo games on a cartridge contained a chip that prevented unauthorized use on systems other than the system it was designed for (it also prevented unauthorized games from working on the

    Did you not see the case where the government sued a guy who selling Windows Backup Discs for a quarter, which have a value of zero, claiming each disc was an infringement and had him sentenced to 15 months in jail and a 700k fine?
    Bypassing security/encryption on a game is a federal criminal infringement and can get

    Penny sticker wouldn’t work. at least in America. For it to be gambling in America, you have to be able to return the item you purchased to the house for a profit if you “win” the game. If a $1 ticket had the potential to be returned to the house for $10k, then it’s gambling, you’re buying the item for a clear attempt

    Except the law in pretty much every country disagrees. It must have a monetary value to the house (or in this case the developer) where you can return it to them for a profit. That’s why blind box figures and magic the gathering cards aren’t gambling. You have no idea what you’re going to get, and to the manufacturer,

    Feel free. Don’t cry if you get arrested though. Just because you paid to use it in one place doesn’t give you the right to use it anywhere you want.