RealMedia v Hollywood set the standard for bypassing copy protection (I say Hollywood because RealMedia listed pretty much every studio in the world in the lawsuit). Said the judge:
RealMedia v Hollywood set the standard for bypassing copy protection (I say Hollywood because RealMedia listed pretty much every studio in the world in the lawsuit). Said the judge:
Incorrect. The reason you can copy an album into a digital format is the same as reason you can with a game, its a backup copy. If you look at various lawsuits filed and won by the RIAA, if you copy a CD, then put it onto a personal “mix” CD, they can legally sue you. It’s just not worth it to them to sue everyone…
Incorrect. The courts ruled that the emulators themselves are legal because they can have a use other than piracy (aka homebrew). The courts have stated time and time and time again that the 1 copy you’re allowed to make must be made into the same format as the original and you can ONLY use that copy if the original…
That’s like the weakest comeback ever? Handing someone your retail copy of the game isn’t the same as making an illegal copy.
You’d be handing them an actual retail copy of the game. Only they would be able to use the game, as you gave them your disc/cartridge. That’s completely legal (Its also why you can sell your copy). Making a ROM to play on a different system other than the one you paid to use it on, is illegal.
Playing retro games “that you own” still isn’t legal. You’re only allowed to make a backup copy in the same format that you bought it in. Using that backup copy is still piracy.
But now we have Nunes, and that’s soooo much better. /s
OR the fact that Dana has been telling everyone who’ll listen he’s signed Brock again.
Even Brock Lesnar defends the WWE title more often than that.
It’s the not the same chip. a quick inspection of the two shows the model # is different on the Switch, likely a variant with custom made firmware.
It translates a USB-C signal into a HDMI signal via (from what we can tell) a proprietary chip. It also has 3 USB ports, one of which is a 3.0. A USB-C to HDMI adapter costs $50+ retail unless you buy a brand no one has heard of and then its just a wire. Powered 3 port USB hubs run about $20. USB-C wall chargers run…
No. There’s nothing legally to stop a company from making a product that “works” with something without permission from the console maker.
A firmware update can do a lot of things, and something incredibly minor could have wiped out these docks. Remember, they designed the functionality by reverse engineering a dock,…
He’s been on record for a while saying that he’s developed a safer style in the last 2 years to help cut back on any potential brain injuries. He’s been training with Brie for almost a year now.
Remember who one of the biggest investors in Trivia HQ is. It’s was gone long before this.
EA stuck them on Need for Speed because the founders of Criterion bailed after they sold the company and started a new company. And their games are meh at best, Dangerous Golf and Danger Zone (which is basically just crash mode from Burnout 1 and 2).
It’s hardly unanimous. The ratings from critics for all 4 have been consistently close for years. Also, its the only one with a PC port. That does a lot of the work for them rather than trying to bring forth old ps2 stuff and make it playable they can focus on the remaster.
And please don’t try to sell this off as the…
No Hardie’s/Carl’s Jr sauces? No KFC FLS (Finger licking sauce)? Shame good sir, shame.
As long as it sells, they’ll keep doing what works for them. A lot of these ports most people never played, and they know it. Only people really complaining about the ports are the people who hate nintendo anyway and want them to fail (so they can play nintendo games on their PS/XB system), people who bought them on…
Amazon: 259.
Gamestop 160 for a refurb 8gb, which no one wants. 170 for a 32gb.
Only place online that I see with it around your given $100 bucks is eBay and those are being sold without the gamepad, rendering the system unusable.
Yeah but you can use them immedately, you don’t have to wait until 1000 points to get 10 bucks.