Fentanyl Is My Copilot

I'm sorry, how was she a douche for wanting to be treated reasonable and according to medical and scientific practice, not being illegally detained for little to no reason, and speaking out about it so that hopefully this doesn't happen to other aid workers and travellers?

Didn't you know? White people don't care what you think.

There is nothing in your post that suggests you believe others should feel the same way you do. You are just saying how you feel, and kinda snarkily saying you know others will express their opinions regarding this as well, and they won't match yours. Simple enough.

...earned less by 3% than the so-called average groomers. The kicker: Over three decades of working, assuming you make $50,000 annually, that's $1.4 million less overall.

Over three decades of working, assuming you make $50,000 annually, that's $1.4 million less overall.

This is excellent, but I think it's important for people to understand that sweat and saliva, which are the two things people most fear coming into casual contact with, are very very poor methods of transmission for Ebola.

Did you get a flu shot? No?

Yeah, people were like "Sure, she whores her kid out for money in a reality show, and seems to mostly ignore her older daughter who just became a teen mom, but you know, she is nice to her kids!" and I'd just roll my eyes.

Whoa. Slow down. The notion that Koko understands language at all is far from being a generally accepted scientific fact. Prove to me—with something beyond anecdotal evidence from her trainers—that her "communication" involves any psychological processes more complex than operant conditioning, and then we can talk

Do you have any idea the type of shit a nurse often has to deal with and then still has to go home, to the grocery store, etc. I mean, shit, they're only people with families it's not like we can put them in their own camp. /sarcasm

Yo Jezebel, get your shit together about how you're covering this CDC/Ebola/Nurses thing. In one post you're vilifying Nurse Vinson for traveling even though she was told by the CDC that their protocols for caring for Duncan were adequate/she was at low risk, and then giving her the OK to fly, and in another you're

This is where the use of female (female nurses) is appropriate, but they went with "women nurses" to fit their "war on women" narrative. Want to know what is really a war on female nurses? The restriction of their access to healthcare and the lowered payment allocated to their profession due to it being a traditional

Now playing

When you have doctors, pundit doctors, political doctors, and "I'm not a doctor buuuut" commentators ALL saying "Hey a travel ban is a stupid idea because then people will just leave undocumented, thus making them impossible to track", you should probably stop trying to create hysteria and listen to what said

"She was obviously sick on Friday, before the fever kicked in, so all the passengers on that flight need to be checked out as well."

Welcome to the greys! Where are the other logical voices are being quarantined because it is more fun to yell "EBOLA WEDDING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!" Ugh. This fucking article.

While there are a lot of things to question about what happened here, saying, "she was obviously sick on Friday, before the fever kicked in" is completely irresponsible. Ebola is only communicable when the carrier is symptomatic, and you have no idea what symptoms she was - or wasn't - having prior to noting her

No, and Jessica doesn't care. She is merely making up the facts to fit her narrative. How despicable can one human be?

Yeah, the Nerdlet goes to daycare at my husband's hospital, where he goes to visit him in between cases. Nice for Dr. Mister Yoga Nerd, sad for me :(

Right? As a pediatrician, my least favorite is when they claim that list includes being a "nurse" or a "pediatrician." No, you're not. It took us a lot of time and money and licensing to get those degrees. Putting a bandaid on a cut =/= health professional. STFU.

I am beyond sick and tired of hearing SAHMs complain about their long resume of "chef, maid, chauffeur and bookkeeper all rolled into one!"