Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Not surprising. Apple has shown over and over again that they can build nice hardware but that their software is an absolute hot mess. This shows a complete lack of even the most basic of testing practices - a half-assed unit test would have caught this in a second.

I like the part where the story still hasn’t been corrected. Guess that fear isn’t gonna monger itself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Any time is a good time for dick!

That's not a Drake approved sweater, that's a Pendelton Westerly, otherwise known as the majestic sweater sported by The Dude in The Big Lebowski.

Based on the visible items I think she was getting ready to whip up a snow crab and pickle omelet. Served with Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

I want an entire season of Area 51/New Mexico weirdness. Set in the 50s. We could have aliens, MIBs, the government, Wendigos, Native American spirits, all kinds of things. It could be so, so good.

Most residents cannot get time to get a drink. My wife, who is a resident neurologist, tries to carry around a water bottle for that very reason. Sometimes she doesn’t get to eat “lunch” until 3 or 4 pm (she tends to get to the hospital around 6).

You lost me at the Murell story this week Pinkham. I like to see a good “Eff You” given to a deserving douche canoe but poisonings are well beyond acceptable.

On one hand, I appreciate taking revenge on jerks. That said, the Murine thing is poisoning a drink and illegal.


But what race were they? As a server one has to just keep telling oneself, I will not let this job make me racist, I will not let this job make me racist, I will not...

Of course he has an answer. 'Get cancer and fucked by a rake."

Any response to the 1000+ comments concerning your writing here, on Groupthink, and on Live Journal?

The doctor asked you "what made you think you had something wrong with your heart" after running multiple tests on your heart. That doesn't sound like he "dismissed you out of hand."

This is only a huge issue on the internet. Doctors trained within the last century know this, because it is taught in medical school. See also elderly patients, and diabetics.

This article was absolutely dreadful.

Of note, this (very small) study was based on interviews with women ages 30-55. Specifically young women are likely to delay getting help — possibly because for most women in their 30s heart attacks aren't even a consideration. Women are also more likely in general to have the kind of non specific symptoms that can

are you a cat

Take it from an old(ish) lady who was sexually and physically abused as a kid by family; and who was in a horribly abusive relationship for five years: you are *far* more likely to live happily and come to terms with whatever has happened to you (I don't mean by that that you should or will come to forgive or feel

Yeah, I think it's a pretty big stretch to call these folks "fans".