Really? In Texas, we pronounce it, then the doc signs the certificate.
Really? In Texas, we pronounce it, then the doc signs the certificate.
I use pin curl clips, but bobby pins work just fine, too!
Pin curls! My hair is naturally curly, but the curl is really unpredictable. The pin curls take ten minutes of minor effort before I go to sleep. Easy peasy with a very cute result. And I find them more comfortable than foam rollers (and a little more versatile, once you get the technique down).
It makes me sad that this is buried in the grays.
I frequently combine pain meds with muscle relaxers for my patients because they potentiate each other. It makes them comfortable. However, this is in patients who've taken both meds before. If this is your first time with either, be cautious.
I've used this for work for years and love, love, love, love it. The entire top comes apart for cleaning!! I've dropped mine about a hundred times without damage.
I've used this for work for years and love, love, love, love it. The entire top comes apart for cleaning!! I've…
Aw, I got married at the GLBT-friendly chapel featured on the Daily Beast link! The owner, Ron Decar, was wonderful and gave us a great wedding.
THANK YOU. Mr. Fentanyl lives in black t-shirts and black cargo pants. On the rare occasions when we go somewhere that requires more formal attire, I let him know. He can decide for himself what he wants to wear, and if he needs suggestions, he asks. I hate the manipulative "teehee, buy him a nice shirt, he won't even…
By your logic, it's also fair to say that dogs eat baby faces (because it has happened on rare occasions, in cases of extreme neglect/abuse). I'm sick of ill-informed people talking shit about ferrets. One abused ferret attacked a neglected baby once. It's not like it's a daily occurrence.
The burning sensation is normal. Tetanus shots also burn, often for a day or two afterwards.
Ironically, the picture is Homer with not a doughnut, but a massive éclair.
I've only ever seen this movie Pancake-style. God, I love Austin, where I can see them do this live.
Hated it! We are a small, elite group of haters. I'll PM you the directions to our awesome secret clubhouse. Seriously, tell someone you hate that movie, and they act like you just said, "I like to stomp on kittens for fun."
No, they don't. Support your local independent yarn shop! (Or if you're a cheap yarn junkie:
Oh, man, Cabo Bob's. I should go tomorrow. I need a giant burrito.
I was being facetious about the formula, but thanks for reinforcing the stereotype that feminists are humorless.
I loved that movie so much as a kid. Clearly, I a) was not normal and b) had basic cable.
That's an interesting nit to pick. Perhaps for our corporeal self-loathing, we should use the rule of nines to calculate acceptable and unacceptable percentages. It's not perfect, but at least it gives us a basic formula to help determine how bad we should feel about ourselves.
So, the example you gave? That sounds way more like confusion (or fibbing to try to conceal his confusion) than compulsive lying. And knowing that he has sustained brain injuries in the past ... I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that there is a neurological reason behind the behavior. If that's the case, it's not always a…