Fentanyl Is My Copilot

"the hospital is no longer taking new emergency room patients"

It's not just Texas, it's endemic to health care in the United States in general. Very few adults actually have primary care physicians anymore, so when they get sick they either go to an urgent care facility or the ER. If health care was affordable, or more people were willing to be general practitioners, this man

This language, "tricked" into an involuntary hold, is bothersome. One does not consent to an involuntary hold, that's what makes it involuntary. There's no pleasant happy way for this to happen. It sounds like the way it happened for Amanda was probably preferable to the way it happens for a lot of people (police

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I love reading Behind Closed Ovens. For some reason, it always puts me in mind of the "Dipping Areas" sketch from The Kids In The Hall (in my opinion, some of their finest work):

Special guest star Joe Bob Briggs? He needs to Co-host for Evil Bong. I am not a drug user or an astronaut but in my expert opinion that would be the best option.

I admit that it was also my mother's tactic, so I am biased. It made me feel so embarrassed and angry, because I was capable of dressing up, but I never enjoyed it. I did it when necessary, and everyone made such a big deal about it that it felt more like punishment or humiliation than any kind of "reward".

On sartorial issues, I make my opinion known and leave it at that. I stopped buying clothes for him because they weren't getting worn. When he wears something I like or buys something I like, I'm very vocal about it. If he wear this stupid blue polo shirt which is too short and made of weird looking material that I

As the resident Paul Bunyan in many of my relationships, please don't do that. It's pretty condescending and infantilizing. I'm on to people who do it, and it makes me feel manipulated, and honestly, rather angry.

I have prepared a handy list of tips on how to protect yourself from potential exposure to the Ebola virus:

The virus is only contagious when people are actively exhibiting symptoms. So if anyone seems like they have a really bad cold (which is kind of what it looks like at the onset), stay away from their bodily waste. Otherwise, feel free to fling things around to your heart's content.

There is not going to be an ebola epidemic in the US. Repeat after me: THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE AN EBOLA EPIDEMIC IN THE US. Our health care system, public health resources, and an overall trust of the medical community will prevent the virus from getting a foot hold. There is a high index of suspicion for the

This is super fucking annoying being an actual tiny size (of course this doesn't compare to the issues faced by plus-sized shoppers and it is not meant to). They don't really exist in most places. I need an actual zero. Then you buy a double-zero that's still too big and people at the store go, "Wow double-zero! SO

With a vengeance. Live free, till that Good Day.

"Honey, if I die before you, will you remarry?"

I don't have a backup wife, but I have an extensive list of other women who don't want to have sex with me.

They probably didn't know. That's why we medical people are screened once a year. TB has an indolent, nonspecific prodrome. In lay terms, it's slow, and the symptoms aren't glaringly TB. That's why we are torn whenever someone is admitted with an undiagnosed lung lesion. Do we need to put them on full TB precautions,

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Aw Yeah! Also don't forget to put the foglights in.

That's the uniform at weird burrito places in Austin.

This comment is problematic.

Ariana Grande's aesthetic is anything but sexy. She's a woman in her 20's trying to look like a baby prostitute. It's pretty disturbing, and also ironic that her aesthetic says "sweet" but her personality is anything but lol.