Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Nah, Nicole doesn't have the head for this sort of thing nowadays.


"Start working at home with Google!"

Watch out kanye! A dingo drone is coming to film and eat your baby!!

What! I thought that shit was going to show the reporter on fucking fire and the camera guy with Freddy Kruger slashes on his back, not some jank ass scratch I couldn't even see while that crazy lady spews crap about "demons" as a damn door gently closed (not even slamming? GTFO). The only thing that house is haunted

The same Broadcasting company owns both this Fox news affiliate and the Travel Channel the runs the show that this house will appear on.

BOOM. Ghost mystery solved.

I love posts like this. I read all the comments and then make mental notes of who is full-blown crazy.

Light scratches? Closing a door that is slightly ajar? Saying "come here" in a voice shockingly similar to the blond woman who lives in the house?

I'm haunted by her inability to shoot video in landscape.

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork

That's not scary. The ghost is obviously friendly. It just wanted to hold the cameraman's hand, and even closed the door when asked! Check your corporeal privilege, Mark.

Actually, the best research we have on the subject shows that people tend to get nicer as they get older. I think there are a lot of people who are assholes when they're young that are assholes when they're old, but the correlation isn't age - it's just being a dick in the first place.

I heard there was this woman who ordered a single plum floating in perfume and served in a man's hat.

For some reason a lot of these make me kind of sad. People who are so specific and demanding about certain things, especially food, tend to have other stuff going on that's maybe not quite normal too. I know it sounds insane, but as someone with an eating disorder I kind of get where the coleslaw guy was coming from

The "secret" serum is monoclonal antibodies specific for the ebola virus. I can make monoclonal antibodies in my sleep...the difficult part is using the ebola virus to generate said antibodies from a mouse (aka Biosafety Level 4, of which there are 4 places in the US that have that level.) It's not as if the pharma

I was solely focused on my boyfriend, Chibs.

They've moved on from California cheeseburgers.