Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks-the difference is in the volume it takes up.

Honey, you aren't from the South are you?

Now playing

I just watched 10 Things I Hate About You with my little sister, and I forgot how much of gem that movie is in the Pantheon of teen movies. It's so underrated; and Health Ledger was fun, and it had a lot of fantastic jokes and lines. This scene by Mr. Morgan character expresses how I feel sometimes when I read the

We expect word from his anger translator within the hour.

you drool over Gamera ?

Just for overly nit-picky linguistic clarification, hospice is for the terminally ill or "actively dying" and palliative care is for anyone with a life threatening or limiting disease. Hospice is a kind of palliative care, but palliative care is bigger than hospice and can include a variety of medical and non-medical

Don't you think it's a bit classist to judge someone for not following arbitrary dining etiquette rules?

Yeah... I get the feeling that a lot of this article and comments are from people who are still in the "I will make no compromises!" stage of their love lives.

Because he's a fucking adult and gets to decide what he does & doesn't eat. He doesn't need anyone's "tolerance".

I prefer the old-fashioned way. Getting drunk at the holiday party and then screaming at my cubicle-mate that TUNA FISH SANDWICHES SHOULD BE EATEN IN THE BREAKROOM, NOT AT YOUR DESK ASSHOLE!!

Just what the world needs, a digital passive aggressive helpmeet.

Is she to be served with 3 month old kale arranged in an attractive display? Maybe if we throw some bacon at it...

You're getting in the way of smug people feeling better about themselves on the Internet.

It's a corgi.

Sometimes people are just from another culture, I'm from India, I didn't know much about avocados and artichokes, most folk from the west wouldn't know much about banganapalli mangoes, I don't think that makes anyone dumb.

If only registered nurses practiced midwifery, our infant and maternal mortality rates wouldn't be on par with Barbados and Iran. Hospital birth is at least 4.5 times safer than home birth in this country.

This article explains why some VBACs are higher risk than others. Without access to this woman's medical records, it seems unlikely for us to be able to know whether the c-section could really be considered to be unnecessary or not.

That's such BS. The doctor undoubtedly genuinely believes that a repeat CS without TOL is the safest option for the baby. Whether that's true or not, it's not a case of "evil docs want to go play golf!" It is at worst a case of "misguided docs putting the health of the baby before the health and wishes of the mother."

Especially after 3 previous c-sections! Those stats are for VBAC, not VBA3C.