Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Poor movie fiancées. Your patron saint James Marsden knows that feel.

Finally: a reason to hate Jenny McCarthy.

How i picture myself in cardigans:

And we use more than 10 percent of our brains. The movies are lying to us.

Anyone here love But I'm a Cheerleader? the first thing that popped into my head was the little shock wands they give them to use if they have homosexual thoughts. and Sinead using hers for pleasure. I need to own that movie.

Ah-ah! Not a jumpsuit! A speed suit. A speed suit says to the world "look out! I know what I'm wearing for the rest of my life."

Oh please, this guy was making jumpsuits cool WAYYYYY before OITNB came around.

Well if that isn't the most generalizing and condescending thing I've heard today! As someone who is going to marry an RN and happens to know quite a few, I challenge you to run a hospital or any care setting without a team of caring, competent, and efficient nurses on staff. I question the intactness of your

Replace "nurses" with any other field and you've basically got a population study going!

I remember you reporting on the $10/20% option offered by Packhouse Meats before, and it still seems like the best option.

I worked with a guy at the OG once who was fired for telling a post-church-lunch table that we were out of soup. Like...all the soup.

Yeah, I don't quite get the hoop la over him either. However, Jezebel loves him. I feel like this post didn't have enough Jensen Ackles love in it. I mean it's his Bday too.

Don't worry, Indiana parents. Your children's bodily fluids are being watched over by top men. Top. Men.

Tough shit. Now go cut your fingernails.

Lesbian sex makes her fly? Now there is a comic I'd read.

I was born into an upper middle class family with 2 parents that love each other, even to this day. I was raised to understand the difference between right and wrong, to treat others the way that I would like to be treated and that if I worked hard enough I could give myself a pretty great life.

If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son

Coven is ok. Better than season one, but season two is still the best.

I love you for knowing who that is.