Fentanyl Is My Copilot

We're trying. My neighborhood in Austin has plenty of Wendy Davis for Governor signs everywhere. She would totes win Governor of Austin.

As a girl who went to Texas Girls State this year, and will actually be attending Girls Nation in just a few weeks, I can say I do not have words for how mad this has made me. Girls state is such an amazing experience, and to hear how different Boys state is has made many of us very upset. Here in Texas, Boys State

I've made this comment before, but it bears repeating:

I thought it was obvious by now that Scott is the troll of the Kardashian clan. He's not serious.

People also got along without all the other medical advances of the past century. That doesn't mean that we aren't better off with some of them.

"Problem is, nonprofits that have been offered that workaround have said that signing a slip of paper objecting to birth control, thus enabling their employees to obtain birth control via other means, violates their religious freedom because it's a tacit endorsement of birth control/murder/sluts/slutmurder."

This is

Do you even Nurse?

Best way to get more men into nursing: get rid of the stigma of male nurse. It has nothing to do with if it's "manly enough" a job. In fact I feel a bit revolted at the idea I wouldn't be a nurse because it's not "manly enough."

I'm not sure if you're serious, but here is one reason (I see that others have already talked about just the fact that some people would prefer a male nurse):

Pet Peeve: men who think that they can understand anything about women, even doctors on medical issues.

Jezebel Basic

The same scientists recently announced the discovery of an entirely new species of salmon:

What? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

An old trucker gave me some of the best advice about staying calm while driving I have ever heard, and it also applies to life and jealousy: "Drive your own car. Just drive your own car."

The best part of this is the memento mori on the plate.

Difficult to get the hang of and rarely remain in place properly... And they leak, a lot.

"The toppings are full of potassium benzoate!"

Cucumber is the perfect garnish for Hendrick's. Cheers!