Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Well, yeah, I can see her point. Most Pisces relationships end up with the male showing up for a brief period of time to fertilize the eggs and then either dying or getting eaten by grizzly bears. Glad things worked out though.

Hahahaa my wife and I just watched the first episode of season 2 of "Orange is the New Black" (no spoilers follow, relax y'all) and one new character was introduced who is a little too into astrology.

A registered nurse whose first point of call in the event of a poo-nami is the towel closet.

Ever used hospital towels? Trust me, they've seen much worse.

Could have used more vegan options.

You are the first person to get that reference! I also have a supply store called Jet Powered Supply.

Got anything to wear while blasting across the alkali flats?

>Doctors sign away their 20's to develop the skills to save others' lives.

I'm not sure I agree. If they fabricated this story (the kicked-out-of-KFC part), then they certainly did so in order to obtain, under false pretenses, financial compensation from YUM!, who made a fast, big donation to the girl's medical expenses as a means of offsetting negative publicity from a poorly managed

OMG! It's Melinda Clarke!

I'm not a fan of Adam Levine, but I'm kind of shocked at how we've collectively decided it's okay to say really cruel, nasty things about him. "Human equivalent of a soiled bathing suit" is just so specific and so gross. Why? What exactly has he done other than make douchey music and date models?

Receiving emergency treatment within 3 hours of symptoms can be a critical factor in surviving a stroke. Please get yourself or a loved one to the hospital immediately if you notice something amiss.

Austin's Hipster Artisanal Drafthouse Heritage Meats sounds pretty quality, to be honest.

Wait, wait, Alabama is in the Southwest? Then why did I get a pansy-ass fried flour tortilla from the store with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar when I ordered a sopapilla? I'm not even going to mention what passes for green chile around here...

But how long you let it freeze?

This should be an "It Happened to Me" article on xojane. It's THAT gritty and shocking!!!

This article doesn't make any sense. What do you want her to do - be a shitty defense lawyer because it's a rape case? That's unethical and could get a lawyer disbarred. You want to change the rules so people don't get a vigorous defense because it's a rape case?

Remember, folks: the only thing that stops a bad guy shooting off a stray bullet is a good guy shooting off a stray bullet, so everyone start shooting in random directions NOW!

Faethe probably has something to say about how this guy was asking for it. Because BACK IN HER DAY THIS SHIT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO RESPONSIBLE PARENTS!

I wonder how many times you'll still have to post those other links, oh how judgemental people become when articles about children and aprenting arrive. We should be finding ways to improve cars instead of pointing fingers here.