Fentanyl Is My Copilot

Sounds like your coworker needs to re-calibrate the ol' makeup gun ;)

Much disgrace. Very Unamerica. So hurt. Wow.

As a woman who was chubby her whole life until she discovered weight training, I constantly feel like I want to run through the local globogyms and just scream, "You're doing it WRONG! I know the way! Follow meeeee!" Of course I would not, because I know how much people hate being given advice about fitness (I'm a

Isn't Texas west of the Mississippi? Because we lurve our sopapillas.

I do not understand this term "too sugary" to which you refer.

"...baby T's and low rise jeans were the best look ever..."

You can buy it here. I already have like 4.

There are literally dozens of you, Erin!

Good point - 3 years and 11 months IS a possibility, and so yeah, at that point, a full year could be expected.

Oh gumdrops! I am an excellent chef and seamstress. I'll sew kaftans for us to lounge around in eating seafood. Do you like seafood?

The day my mama socked it to the Harper Valley PTA

they should nickname him Buster

Caught him slippin

Now playing

Maria Bamford has some makeup advice for us.

Well, this guy isn't your son, because he did have feces-covered fingers and he's great at washing his hands but he needs supervision. He's wonderful and I love him, which is why I've been wiping his ass on and off for the past 5 years. Sometimes I tell funny stories about things that happen at work to blow off steam;

I think the real question is: Did Mr. Burns find love on Flag Day?

Being artificially kept alive with tubes and pumps and shit...

That was actually the argument that got me to stop eating meat. It was stronger than every PETA video I saw.


Don't care. Still love him. He is the world's cleverest, most successful troll.