
Yeah, I’m just curious about the logistics of service. 

No need to feel bad for me. It’s one of the sharpest, funniest TV shows I’ve ever seen and Kristen Bell is awesome in it.

Seriously curious why that would be worth it to you.

And to think I felt hypothetically bad for Dax Shephard’s wife Kristen Bell for driving a Hyundai Tiburon in the new season of “Veronica Mars.”

Sweet Jesus, what a dumbass that person is.

She’s a “social climber.” Which could be said about literally anyone who marries royalty, but especially people who aren’t white.

Yep. Lazy AF.

I meant the writer in general, not just his book. 

He’s just kind of a dick about the fact that he works for a “legitimate” publication while refusing to acknowledge that “lesser” publications may be the only way for non-whites or non-males to have a seat at the table, and how that’s philosophically at odds with his perspective that “big beer” is fundamentally bad. In

The book’s worth a read; Noel himself is rather tiresome. 

We’ve made two attempts to go since they renovated, and both were complete disasters. That’s it for us, and we’ll never go back, which sucks because we used to really like it there.

But Wolfsburg Editions sometimes got cool special badges.

that lost the local identity somewhat.

Thanks for keeping track for me!

I avoid the far north side whenever possible, and I don’t eat burgers, as mentioned, so I’m in no hurry to go to Small Cheval. I like Haymarket because we like their beer and I have plenty of options besides burgers.

Live free or die, you whiny-ass bitches.

Haven’t been to The Loyalist yet. We’re significantly cutting back our alcohol consumption, which means we haven’t been eating out much. Man, I miss restaurants.

Come to think of it, I think we’ve had this conversation before.

My husband says Haymarket’s burger, right across the street, is excellent. I don’t eat burgers but thought I’d pass that along. Same for Pleasant House.
