
The second video is from the one in my hometown. Thank you for that. 

Thanks. Wow, that must have been rough. :(

Yeah, I’d be so happy if I could share this with him right now.

I lost my dad to cancer a little over a year ago. I’m so sorry. I just found out I’m pregnant and it’s so bittersweet because my dad would have been absolutely thrilled.

Yum. Apotheke moonshine.

Most Monroneys specify “Full tank of gas” as part of the vehicle’s standard equipment. Shady dealer might just hope you’re not paying attention.


Like I said, I just came to try to pitch in and help, and I’m sorry if what I wrote wasn’t sufficiently opaque to make it clear that was my intent.

Gotcha. I was a little worked up over this yesterday and misunderstood. :)

I’m not going to disagree with your overall point — you and I have conversed about this topic and similar topics before — but the person I’m talking about here and for the purposes of this conversation in an automotive-specific context, I will absolutely go to bat as defending him as one of the good ones. He gave me a

When a bunch of female video game journalists were the targets of organized harassment to the point of being driven out of the business. Doxxed, threatened, stalked, etc.

“I don’t see it, therefore it doesn’t happen.”

He does. :)

I’ve long said that auto journalism is long overdue its GamerGate. I’ve had my own experiences that come close to a lot of what went on there. 

I’m not going to condemn David over this. I’ve been in this industry for a long-ass time and have put up with some absolutely disgusting behavior. Just last week I was at an event and spent some time talking to a colleague who is genuinely one of the good ones (and is good without making a point of calling himself out

Must be nice to be you. 

The eyes, though. They look like they're about to spring forth from her head.

Anyone else getting Judge Doom vibes from that photo?

I can’t abide by Affy Tapple because the name is so dumb and lazy that simply seeing the packaging annoys the crap out of me.

Almost all the ones in my hometown have closed. Makes me sad.