
They’ll be playing Pitchfork Festival by 2022.

I want to hear all the stories you have related to your time there.

So no more of this?

OOooooh, have Chuck E. Cheese go all future minimalist. The entire inside of the building is made to look like an Apple store, everything is glass and white plastic. There are no chairs, rides, games, or food. In the middle of the empty white room is a pedestal with a holographic Chuck E. head, that just slowly

That’s literally all they have left at this point.

When are they going to stop serving alcohol? The Chuck in my town is always in the monthly top ten of locations with alcohol related police calls.

Thanks. Wow, that must have been rough. :(

Fennel, I lost dad Dec 21, 2014 - found out I was pregnant a couple weeks later.

Go get 2 shots at lunch today. A Beefeater, and an Hendricks. Drink them straight. Get back to us.

In January, my dad will be one year into his cancer diagnosis. He recently had a stem cell transplant, and for roughly 100 days afterward (depending on biomarkers), he can’t be around the grandkids, and this has been the hardest part on everyone. My mom has told me has cried about not seeing them, and I know for sure

I’m an airline pilot that flew out of Chicago during this storm. What happened here was you have a contaminated runway, snow and ice with braking action advisories in effect, plus a strong gusty crosswind. After touchdown, the mostly likely cause was as the plane slowed and the rudder loses effectiveness you rely more

I didn’t start getting pelvic exams until later but the gynecologist talked to me about general women’s health stuff and what to expect. I liked that I started seeing her early so we could gain a rapport and be more comfortable when the time came for her to do pelvic exams.

Sure it’s possible if the guys aren’t creeps.  So that weeds out about 99% of them.

I 10000% believe all of this happened exactly as described. I’ve been working in the music industry for years, and at one point worked at a rival magazine to Fader and had many friends who worked at Vice. The descriptions of these parties are totally dead-on and I can completely see all of those events happening. I

Oh, I thought we all knew Vice was a shitstorm?

Yes, well I guess that would be a problem for people who do all their grocery shopping at Starbucks.

I’m grown enough now that I know what I can pull off and what I can’t. One thing I can’t wear is anything lavender, it makes me look ill. And yet, I still find myself drawn to lavender t-shirts constantly because of this. dumb. scene.

Rhyming “down there” with “down there” is a sign that he has the soul of a true poet.

Good for Robyn for owning and sharing her truth. But the continued excavation of Whitney’s life feels wrong. I’m glad she had some happiness, I wish she could be left to rest in peace now. Can’t believe its seven years though.

Look, “Fighter” still slaps.