
Where do you still have a Friendly’s?

I don’t get that either. Sometimes my husband and I plan to get different things so we can try more, but when we go out with his parents (who are, tbh, the only people we ever really go out to eat with), two or more of us order the same thing all the damn time.

There’s a new brewery in Michigan called The Guardian. They put little LED lights on each table and you can change the color of the light by tapping it. If you need the server, set the light to one color; if you prefer to be left alone, set the light to any other color. It works really, really well, especially since

Yeah, not sure how he got “hating on the Metro” out of that at all.

The most relevant comment in this thread.

Tom Hardy seems to be an absolute cinnamon roll

I’ve been wanting to write this story FOREVER but never got anyone to pick it up. :/

If he’s going into witness protection, I’ll volunteer to take the tattoo removal laser to his face.

The position of her hand in that photo is squicking me the fuck out.

Well, Chevy is consistently off their rocker when it comes to pricing competitively. 

But the new Pathfinder is just there, shrugging, figuring it would rather not be noticed at all than be noticed and potentially rejected.

If he wants to sit next to his wife that badly, his wife could have offered her upgraded seat to the aisle or window seat in the row behind you and there almost certainly would have been a taker. Assholes.

I’ll absolutely call on what appears to be an obviously impaired driver. Put other people in danger and you lose your right to have everyone around you mind their own business.

Grounds for dismissal from the Supreme Court, 30 years later? It seems everyone wants to ratchet up outrage first and see what it can do, and think about it critically after or maybe even not at all.

Poehler also implied in her book that she outgrew the partying and cocaine and Arnett didn’t and it was interfering with his parenting.

This was one of my favorite games of all time, and I’m still pissed it never ended up on Wii Virtual Console.

About a year ago, I was riding with the crew of an off-road rally on a story assignment. We were near Area 51 and one of the competitor vehicles got lost and was heading straight toward the boundary. The whole rally was interesting, but listening to the crew panic and try to rectify the situation via walkie-talkie was

Alexander Acosta should be held responsible for any of Epstein’s crimes that occurred after the Florida deal.

The good thing about altezza-style taillights is that I knew from a distance which cars to skip over entirely when I was judging VW shows.

Cat’s a lot more creative with her writing, and a lot more honest about her flaws.