
Polar > La Croix. All day. Every day.

That’s... well, that’s special, all right.

I have received an actual death threat for sending a late rent letter to someone on the 20th of the month, when rent is due on the 1st.

Done. Thank you for sharing these links.

That’s cruel.

I have two cats that were front-declawed by their previous owners and at the time I adopted them, I was living in a downtown high-rise apartment building. I guess I should have taught my cats how to use the elevator and told ‘em they’d be just fine with their useless front paws, right?

Yeah. Just my passive-aggressive dig at the typical VWvortex dude. I’ve had my fill of them over the past... oh... 15 years.

Disclaimers aren’t a new concept, but seriously, just look at how prominent the warning text is on this photo; it actually covers part of the owner’s legs and the front of the Golf:

Yup. It’s the principle.

It makes me sick that my ex-husband might make money from the Ashely Madison data breach.

I have also worked in the sports department at the Burlington Free Press. OMG now I want to take Emma out for drinks.

I wish my MSF course had been women only. The dudes were obnoxious.

The other strange thing is that the video exists at all. Do people just roll video of their bus rides routinely?

I cheated over Fourth of July and had the S’mores limited variant of New Holland Dragon’s Milk. So f’n worth it.

Yup, same here. When my husband and I decided to go super low carb for a few months, my choices were between Halo Top or giving up ice cream entirely. There’s no way I could give up beer AND ice cream without getting homicidal, so Halo Top it is. And I’m okay with it.

Best of all, for a time it offered a V10 TDI diesel engine, a beast of a motor that could shame American pickups in truck pulls.

If I had a story quota to meet, I would absolutely care.

From the image, I’d have guessed this was made with Cadbury Creme Eggs.

There’s no Mekhi Phifer.

This lawsuit is the first thing I’ve read that claims Venus did not enter the intersection on a green. I personally find it hard to believe she blew a red, because who blows a red at 5 mph?