

How are you so sure it’s a sham marriage? I mean, Bill Clinton risked felony charges by illegally campaigning for her during the Illinois and Massachusetts primaries! That’s an awfully sweet gesture on behalf of someone you’re sham-married to.

Or you can blame it on the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz for essentially telling independents and Bernie supporters to go fuck themselves.

I agree with you on the overall coverage here (I’m sure you know that by the fact that I star pretty much every political comment you make) but I thought this article was reasonable. It’s those individuals’ own words...

Anna, thank you for this article. I’m still standing by Bernie, but the actions of his most outspoken supporters make it hard for all of us. Thanks for this perspective (not that I’m condoning any of it).

I didn’t start paying attention to local politics until I graduated from college, which was in Vermont. I would have predicted Sen. Leahy running for president before Bernie, honestly.

I’ve been a Sanders supporter since ‘04-ish... this has been Twilight Zone for a good year now.

I think it’s so bizarre that they’re running against each other.

Do you ever wonder if, since they actually socialize together, Trump might have some really damaging little-known anecdotes he’s just saving for the right moment?

I used to think Fairuza Balk was a nightmare at craft services on the set of “Almost Famous,” specifically because her character talks shit about the other groupies who complain about the food.

That hoodie, though. I want it.

I never, ever said that I don’t believe you’ve experienced sexism as a direct result of being a Hillary Clinton supporter.

My experience trying to discuss issues with Hillary Clinton supporters.

Where the fuck did I say it was imaginary?

There’s really no need to be condescending, and I’m not being defensive.

Thanks for telling me which of my criticisms of her are legit and which are not. Really. Because I haven’t been thinking about this myself for the last ten years.

So you think all or most Bernie supporters, even the women, even the ones who supported Hillary in ‘08, are not voting for her simply because of sexism?

“If Team Hillary wants to keep those voters, she is going to have to get way more honest about the party and the machinations therein. A good place for her to start would be to repudiate Debbie Wassermann-Schultz on the payday lender protection bill she is co-sponsoiing in exchange for $67K in campaign dollars. It is

Well, Bernie’s supporters *tried* to vote based on what’s best for other people and had it thrown back in their faces.

The sexists are actually pretty open about it. It’s unfortunate that Hillary supporters refuse to acknowledge that many of us have issues with her policies. By writing off our issues and chalking it up to sexism, it shows that Hillary and her camp have no real intention of trying to address those issues.