
If you’re actually out of emotions, consider yourself lucky.

I’m generally very happy with Xsport. I actually started going to Shred415 as an occasional splurge because my very favorite instructor left Xsport and went there.

I used to live a 10-minute walk from my gym, and moved a few miles farther away, and now I have a half-hour walk to get on the bus or train for another 10 or 15 minutes. So yeah, I drive now, too (or take my scooter when it’s nice out). There’s nothing closer to my house.

I am, but XSport is closer and cheaper. :)

Classes help motivate me to actually go at a certain time, I like my instructors, and spin gives me a workout similar to running without the impact on my shitty knees. It’s what works for me.


From what I’ve told, yes.

And I was actually just considering the base ClassPass because it’s cheaper than Shred415's packages. Hmmm...

She reminds me of Parker Posey, at least in pictures.

“Level: Easy”

There you go assuming the “straight face” part.

This exactly.

Yes, if she picks a white man it will largely be to appeal to the most outspoken, immature, and obnoxious supporters of her white male opponent, who probably won’t vote for her anyway.

HRC offering VP to any Dem Senator would mean she really doesn’t give a fuck about anyone other than herself.

There are plenty of racists and sexists besides those who also happen to be Bernie bros.

I think Vermonters, especially, would prefer that he stayed right where he is than to accept an offer of VP.

This is the best bromance ever.

I totally agree, but it’s the only way I can picture myself voting for Hillary without getting completely fucking ill.

He came to drop bombs. It’s right on his shirt.

Yeeeeeah, I never had to deal with anything like that. :/