
I was an RA in an all-girl dorm building for a year, and we did not put up with random guys wandering the halls. Granted, it was also a Catholic school, and would have been harder to enforce in a coed building, but there should have been ways for you to express your concerns. :/

Was not aware. Thanks for actual info.

It would be interesting to see who Kim *would* be a good fit with, if Mama Kris wasn’t constantly playing wizard-behind-the-curtain and there weren’t cameras in her face all the time.

I guess I’m missing why Kris Humphries is a loser.


Well, yeah, I know that NOW. I’ve actually seen them a couple times in the 20 years since I knew that guy.

That’s why we have the river.

If they could somehow route waste heat from nearby buildings into the water, that would work. That’s how Marina City and River City keep the marinas open all year.

Your paragraph b) sums up my entire opinion about this museum. I hope it never gets built. So tired of Lucas.

I venture out of Bridgeport plenty.

As long as I get credit for toaster strudels.

Kris’ preferred mind-control technique?

I knew a guy in high school with “GWAR” tattooed inside his lower lip. Until then, I thought Gwar was a band made up for “Empire Records.”

Two balls + two-inch penis - half of the penis = a quarter of total meat lost?

I feel safer on my scooter than on a bicycle. No one will convince me otherwise.

I dislike treadmills for the same reasons, but they do serve a purpose.

I’ve never understood the “going nowhere” argument against treadmills or indoor cycling. It’s training. I don’t point and laugh at rowers on a machine because they’re not on an actual fucking boat. I mean why lift weights when you could be lifting something useful, like kegs of beer? Why fuck around with TRX straps

Well. She is quite lovely.

“like 90 percent of Sanders voters,” huh? Where did you pull that from?

There’s a black brother and sister in Chicago who claim sovereign citizenship; I remember thinking the same thing when I read about them.