
Well, that’s what wedding dresses do best.

Nope, I haven’t watched it. Wedding culture irritates the shit out of me.

Yeah, thanks? If I spent three months of my mortgage on a dress I’d do the same thing. Between that, the Upper East Side apartment, and spending days volunteering at the Met, I made some assumptions.

Fair enough. If I’d spent that much for my dress I wouldn’t do it either (and mine was basically a sundress, so it wasn’t a problem). But I’ve seen a few of my friends do it, just for protection during transport to and from the wedding, and I didn’t think it was all that weird.

I could actually see transporting it in a garbage bag to protect it, assuming it was too bulky to fit in a garment bag.

Awww. Rich people have normal problems, too. <3

Isn’t that why we’re here?

I’ve been subscribing since April. I like it. I figure it only costs $4 a month after sharing/reviews, and there are frequent 20% off codes that I can use on brands that are excluded from Ulta coupons.

That does surprise me, I must admit. Whatever works.

Yes, although they prefer the term “pick-up artists.”

Because women don’t want THEM, which is obviously everyone’s fault but theirs. They exist in an echo chamber, so yes, probably, they eventually believe it.

Oh, I’m aware. It’s all manipulation tactics and sheer delusion disguised as “niceness.” And it’s always, always the fault of the woman who is being targeted, or whatever other male is nearby.

That is quite a plot twist!

This kid, for one.

Self-proclaimed “nice guys” who think women owe them sex because they’re “nice.” Reality is not a factor.

“Betas” are PUAs who don’t get laid, because they’re the “nice guys” who can’t compete with “alphas” for all the slutty whores out there. We should watch out because someday they’ll make us all sorry.

Yeah, they’re seriously unhinged.

That’s a good way to do it!

I actually bought a large Baggu in that print from Birchbox to use as a gift bag for my friend’s baby gifts. I loved it. I’d be thrilled if I got that in a box.

No. It’s “Centre.”