

We made arugula pesto last night... must make mint now! Thanks for this idea! Do you use pine nuts, or something else?

Oh, I’m not offended.

Oh shit. The guy calling her out is white, too. Fuck all white people everywhere who do work and want compensation.

I have mixed feelings about Maya Rudolph (I think mostly because I absolutely hate “Idiocracy” and I’m tired of people telling me I should give it another chance — shit, I’ve fallen asleep three times trying to watch it). This was a riot, though.

There are enclosed models. :)

Just wanted to give a star to another homebrewer.

I want a stroller for my cats, but just to take them outside and let them get some air. I wouldn’t take them into stores or anything.

Eh. I can just watch it on mute.

Fuck Wisconsin.

Was anyone else picturing this during the Caramel Lady story?

Others have posited that the couple and/or guest have Mob connections. Makes sense.

Agreed. My little brother keeps posting links on my FB wall to stories about the gun violence here (as if I don’t skim the Trib every day as soon as I arrive at work, and as if I wasn’t already aware of it and concerned already). His point, I think, is that I shouldn’t be anti-concealed carry anymore, because at least

Plus, all her points would carry a lot more weight if she’d stop getting in stupid Twitter feuds with other famous women.

It is confusing. I read it as the artist in question was claiming credit for the original photo. But yeah, you could be absolutely right.

Really? Even though he’s claiming he took the original photograph that he altered?

I’d jog in them while trying to catch a train. Does that count?

I hate when that bitch is semi-correct.

“...it’s still a possibility that Arctander simply saw Sicardi and Smith’s photograph reblogged and it innocently made its way to the endless cache of images and data we all have on our computers...”

Right? Just say Bill Murray identifies as black.