
so just a heads up ive been misusing the term “crocodile tears” for the past 21 years of my life. they weren’t fake tears. just really big, blubbering tears. now if youll excuse me i have to go retrace every conversation in my life now.

Favorite Thing: Heroes who are scientists, engineers and diplomats. Solving problems through teamwork and competence. And the way these qualities have inspired multiple generations of fans to make the fiction of Star Trek a reality.

Long ago, when I had training on how to rescue drowning people, we were basically told to assume the people we were trying to rescue would try to drown us because they were panicking too badly to think straight. People frequently panic when they are in life-threatening situations (or sometimes freeze up entirely), so

fuck off

I don’t think it’s really that, I believe her when she says her dad is the sweetest person she knows and that he’s never shown her any other side to him. I also believe it’s totally possible for him to be both a wonderful dad to his children and an abusive tyrant to his wife. As far as I know Lily-Rose didn’t live

How do you imagine you came to read this story? Somebody called TMZ and went “I just saw Calvin Harris in the ER yadda yadda can I have some money?” And that person almost certainly tried to get a photo because that’s what those people do when they see a celeb. I’d have asked for some privacy.

It’s rather odd to criticize the decisions people make for themselves in a medical situation, especially while citing their looks as your reasoning. And considering the fact that he was not even admitted and there is still a story on this gossip site (as well as others, including TMZ obviously) with many comments, I

For the entire world to run exactly like America, duh. Also, for Australia to annihilate some of those scary creatures you’ve got running around. Surely there’s some environmentally ruinous chemical treatment you could use!

Anyone in Neighbours is of great importance, good grief. - Friendly British kid.

I’m including myself in the people who should be laughed at for this. Because my immediate response to reading the “Feb - Nov” detail was “that’s fucking weird” before I was like “oh, that’s summer for them.”

The school year in Australia runs from Feb-Nov,

As others have stated above, the AU school system only requires you stay in until you’re 17, and starts at Grade 1.

The messy room one reminds me of one time my niece came to me while we were camping. She was around 4 yrs old and she came out of her tent (I had been up all night drinking and was still awake) and was crying because her dad wasn’t there in the tent where she expected him to be. I looked inside and only saw a pile of

Nonsense. Show me the studies that prove that a glass a week causes serious birth defects. Take your time, I’ll wait.

Regina George is referred to in Heather Chandler’s burn book as “Corn Nuts."

Exactly. Just sounds like some sour grapes.

Thomas is a TANK ENGINE 😠

I guess I understand the X-23 thing; if Jackman is done you need to make a new Wolverine.