
I dunno. When we talk about sexual harassment that women have to put up with, for example, I feel like it’s pretty shitty to do it in a way that denigrates male victims of sexual harassment. Likewise, I feel like we should be able to have a conversation about how we unfairly exclude and erase WOC when it comes to

Someone suggested my brother-in-law date a certain girl at the college he attended. He did not know her but knew her roommate. He calls roommate for an introduction, but roommate is out. Third roommate answers the phone. Somehow, despite any conceivable reason for doing so, they get to talking.

I suspect that people keep bringing it up because, according to reports and documents that have been released, he still has very limited visitation allowed with the children and there is a little too much smoke there for there to be zero fire. Especially since his oldest child doesn’t want to have contact with him.

They predominantly aren’t rescue workers, they are generally spelunkers/cave divers from across the world that volunteered. That is why the team that found them was British with a Thai Navy Seal along and the Doctor on site is Australian. Basically anyone with the right skills and experience that volunteered is there.

She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I covet her biceps too.

It just feels like women get drowned out in our own spaces, and then something like this comes out, and we find out at least one of our allies was against at least some of us all along.

This is what comes of a society where ice is more readily available than crockery. People eating soft boiled eggs with their fingers!

Hm, does this mean that the girl from ‘Anne with an E’ will grow up to be Casper, or Zac Hanson, or Jonathan Taylor Thomas? Because right now she’s literally a miniature you.


And I have family scattered all over Scotland, Wales and England... I shouldn’t have made that mistake!

literally ed sheeran

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills: Chyna explicitly said in her texts that she intended to physically assault Rob, and then according to all reports, physically assaulted him. Why are people joking and saying it’s petty and judgy that his family wants him to break up with the woman who is physically abusing him? Why

Well, worth pointing out that the guy is saying that another guy who was standing right there and who could have also done it did it.

Gizmodo is the new anything goes. Maybe they should start a new site and call it.. notgawker.com

How bad is American butter that Kerrygold counts as fancy? *aghast*

I feel like such a ‘bad feminist’ but I’m pregnant with my second (a girl) and I am embarrassingly stoked for little girl stuff. I swear as soon as she’s old enough to express a preference she can wear whatever she wants,but until then I’m going to enjoy every second of dressing her in adorable not-pink girl clothes.

Also, while as a fellow balding man I very much appreciate Wills’ sang-froid regarding his much-diminished hairline, I think he ought to just shave it entirely and give his head the treatment befitting a king.