
To make it Scottish you would need to incorporate potato scones, with square sausage rather than links (might be the same as a sausage patty ?) and fried black pudding crumbled over the top

Try adding some fresshly ground black pepper . It is amazing.

How the fuck are you supposed to dunk your soldiers/asparagus without egg-cups? All this talk of holding them, spreading them, or just biting in to them! What a bunch of heathens. Egg-cups are no more twee than a plate is.

Ha, I am Scottish and my partner is Welsh. It is my lifes work to stop people saying British when they mean English.

Welsh people are British. They are not english, which is what he is playing in Death Comes to Pemberly

There is a reason that these are known as Jerusalem Fartichokes in the UK

Her husband’s name is truly Benjamin Millepied. It is not her fault.

She is Kosovar Albanian. Her and her family came to the UK as refugees from the Kosovo war.

I know. As a fellow brit this is “like use knives to chop things” on the scale of obvious advice.

Scottish people are also British

It is funny how many comments are Americans baffled by other countries school systems being different.

Why would she be 18? The school leaving age in Australia is 17. 1990 + 17= 2007. Also school years run Feb-Nov

No, she would have turned 17 in July 2007 and left school November 2007. November is the end of the school year in Australia. The school leaving age is 17.

Yup, I can easily believe that she skived off lectures, borrowed notes and some times copied of a mate (like most students). I dont believe she systematically cheated her way to a 2:1. She would have needed to pass exams every term to continue, exams that require long written answers that its a bit tricky to copy off

Mine was two or three 4,000 word essays + an exam per subject per term. I think I did 3 subjects per term (it was a while ago). They definitely wanted you to show more depth of knowledge than a quiz would explore.

Can’t belive I care this much but from a comparison of UK and US universites “One important difference to be aware of is the emphasis on continual assessment. Most UK universities determine your marks based on your performance on examinations at the end of term.In the US, the papers and problem sets you complete

At my uni tutorials were for having in depth discussion and debate in a small group sessions, not for doing shitty quizzes. And if she was going to cheat why would she do it in the room, not before she got there? Why does the “professors” office have enough desks for 10 people? Why is she calling him a professor when

So it is hugely competitive to get in, which Kate did. She got A’s and B’s for her A levels. She graduated with a 2:1. Why is it easier to believe that she is some kind of cheating thicko than it is to believe that people might make shit up out of jealousy because some girl went to uni as a normal and is now going to

Not totally true, Scottish degrees are 4 years long. You need to pass the first 3 years to be allowed to do the 4th (honours) year. If you dont you only get a general degree

That is the most ridiculously fake sounding story ever. The secret service had giant guns under their jackets. A top university giving basic quizes in tutorials. I went to uni in Scotland, it isnt how it works.