
She is on the AMA right now claiming that the push for breastfeeding and attachment parenting is part of a conspiracy to keep women from the work force. She is also claiming that the push for breast feeding/ natural birth is to make money. Unlike the massive advertising campaigns by formula companies, who I totally

She is awful. She got booted from Science Based Medicine, the commentators were going hard on her every week for misrepresenting studies. She also had a huge problem with midwives. She couldn’t seem to accept that in Europe midwives are fully qualified, highly trained, and totally integrated into the maternity health

Do you reckon you have to change jobs every time you get pregnant? Or do you think you just wait until its your last one before putting this not-at-all unrealistic plan into effect?

Really? So you have no friends at work/have no plans to befriend anyone? You dont have a colleague to grab a coffee with or a co-worker to go for a drink or meal with? I dont chit-chat with my clients about my life but of course I talk to my colleugues. I talk about work but I also talk about my life and so do they.