
I recommend checking out Korean makeup—they have great options for pale skin. I love this cushion. If your skin is oilier, this is probably your best bet. You could also go the route of lightening drops added to your foundation of choice.

That’s the worst! I can’t recommend Gelous enough. I do my regular mani routine (base coat, 2 coats of color, top coat) plus two coats of Gelous and I last with no chips for at least a week! Huge fan. It’s a bit thick so it takes a while to dry (can be annoying) but it’s so worth it IMO.

Isn’t it? I don’t think I would have ever chosen it on my own but I’m loving it.

I’m trying my Pur-lisse mask (also from Ipsy) tonight! Can’t wait. I’m a sheet mask devotee and haven’t done one in weeks so I’m looking forward to it. My HG mask is My Beauty Diary (~$1/piece) so I’ll be interested to compare.

OMG you are living my dream! How fun! You’ll have to post the blog here when your hands are featured so we can see :). This week’s nails are courtesy of my Ipsy bag.

I never said that she was deserving of humiliation. Literally all I said is that saying that she is “never unkind” is just not true.

That’s all we know of her though, right? Her public persona via the internet/interviews/etc. and her public persona via her show.

I personally don’t think it’s cool to constantly tell all your siblings that you made them famous, that their livelihood is dependent on your good will, that their deepest insecurities are true, that they are too fat to be in your wedding, etc. Of course sibling fighting is normal, I think she crosses a line.

IDK she’s the only one of her sister’s who constantly uses low blows regarding stuff she knows they are insecure about. She’s the only one who was calling Rob fat and lazy, for example. I don’t think that’s kind whether or not they are siblings, personally. But I mean yeah, for the most part her mom has a very tight

Yes, Kim is the definition of kind.

I really hope so! I don’t have cable.

Ah, your comment makes it sound like you are criticizing the ratios given because you have no choice but to pay 50% of your income toward your debts.

It is after tax.

As is explicitly stated, it is for a single person.

Well, right. These are figures that specifically state they are for single people.

Seattle is on there though.

I don’t feel that I “settle”—I eat plenty of nice stuff. But leftovers are definitely a necessity because with my work schedule I cannot cook a full meal every night. They last me at least a week before going bad! Everyone has their non-negotiables and splurges in their life but it sounds like you are living way

The census counts undocumented immigrants. It doesn’t ask about immigration status and is completely confidential (information cannot even be divulged even under the PATRIOT Act). In fact, the only way to avoid having the government come to your home regarding the census is to fill out the forms. Community

They did...

Those statistics are from the Census, but you must know better than they do.