Harris-Till had time that day, lol
Harris-Till had time that day, lol
To compare what happened to Lanez to Till just proves how ignorant and unWOKE our people are. First of all, just thinking it’s cool to pull a gun out at a party is stupid, and stupid people go to jail. See ya Lanez.
Thank you and WELL SAID, Joshua Harris-Till,
There are people who still support R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. This is not surprising.
So many stupid, ill-informed people make hot takes like this. Anybody with a hot strip club anthem somehow becomes H Rap Brown or Mumia Abu Jamal if they get into trouble for something. It’s beyond ridiculous. With all of the real criminal justice reform that needs to happen, there’s still plenty of nitwits who behave…
Go straight to jail, don’t collect $200, Mr. Peterson. For some men, their own reckless egotism and sexism is their downfall, not any woman. Disgusting the way that misogyny is so entrenched in our culture that real life harms done to women and girls are just shrugged off in the name of “these b’s be lying”…
I agree. They put her through hell for the last 2.5 years. Driving a person to the point of wanting to kill themselves and for what? To protect and support an abusive arsehole. I hope she now has a better support system in place with people who actually care for her and that she’s getting the help she absolutely…
I hope she can sue all these asshats for libel or defamation, and collect all past, current, and future earnings on songs which include defamatory lyrics against her in regard to the shooting. Hit the cunts in their wallets where they’ll feel it.
Apropos of nothing, but “Daystar Peterson” sounds like a character out of a REALLY bad 70's sci-fi movie. The kind where aliens come to earth looking for a kid who’s really good at video games to save their planet from another alien invasion.
Whole bunch of trash rappers mad that Megan spits better than they do.
So, how is a person with a restricted license due to “substandard care” allowed to administer anesthesia, which is almost always a major concern in surgery?
I absolutely agree! And in terms of music, I don’t get how spitting rhymes over beat machines & samples can ever constitute “genius”. Maybe my standards are just too high, but whatever.
Can we stop calling people geniuses just because they declare themselves to be one
That’s not what “in lieu of” means.
“In lieu of” his antics?
We should stop giving these “geniuses” a break, and start holding those who claim genius to even higher standards of behavior, if you ask me.
I haven’t followed her career much and had assumed the appropriation fuss was over her little rap tunes until I saw a clip from her show Nora from Queens that was WILDLY racist and made all the worse by her above quotes regarding accents and minstrelization.
Under the latest offer, CTU members would return to classrooms starting Monday — not for formal classes but to distribute laptops and help students sign up for a weekly, school-based COVID-19 testing program. Remote learning would begin Wednesday with in-person classes slated to return Jan. 18, if case numbers hold…