Well, it’s a measure of living comfortably in the city (not suburbs, but yes the South Side is part of the city and an option for those who want to live somewhere with lower rents than the trendiest neighborhoods).
Well, it’s a measure of living comfortably in the city (not suburbs, but yes the South Side is part of the city and an option for those who want to live somewhere with lower rents than the trendiest neighborhoods).
Unfortunately, many fields don’t have virtual options.
FYI if your loans are federal you can choose a plan where you pay 10% of your income!
Wow! Is food really expensive in SF? I live in another big city and spend $20/week on groceries and I eat well (you average $87.5/person/week). And I have unlimited data/talk/text for $35/month and cable for $50/month. Feeling pretty good about where I live right about now!
that would be before taxes though
Yes! I’m really not a fan of the super modern houses most celebs had. It just seems sterile/cold to me. But yeah, I bet at least some of them are fake.
I don’t think it’s a terrible photo... I mean it’s something she took, edited and posted not some weird angle of her getting caught off-guard by paps.
No, he knows! It’s a running joke between them that he fell in love with her before he knew her or could pronounce her name. I hate that I know this.
It’s my favorite too! I would actually love to be able to sit down with circulars 1. because I am a grandma at heart and 2. because I plan my meals in advance and can’t plan around sales because I don’t know they’re happening until I get to the grocery store! And yes, agreed! I’m in Chicago! Missing the Dominick’s I…
Really?! Jealous!! I get none! None!
For some people it is but if your taxes are at all unusual, unfortunately it is not.
If only this was true! I have spoken directly to the DOR in both states where I file and I can use free online forms but must mail them in for the particular forms I use.
Yes, I file my federal returns electronically but unfortunately for the forms I am filling out for my two state returns, neither state will accept them electronically unless I’m using a paid service.
Grr, I depend on Feedly so much! Here’s to hoping they get it up and running soon.
Yeah, unfortunately if you work in more than one state or are a contractor, it gets a bit complicated and you can’t just do the free online filing!
Hmm... did you respond to the wrong person? I just said that some returns cannot be filed for free online. Has nothing to do with needing or not needing an extension.
Not possible to file everything electronically without paying, unfortunately!
If you are filing certain forms, it’s impossible to file online without paying fees.
Update: Now I’m having the same problem you did! Grr
Ugh nothing worse than knowing a meal is going to be gross and having to go and eat a reasonable amount with a smile on your face!