
You guys realize “old people” still run the world for the most part right? I think that still makes them pretty relevant. Also, these comments are pretty ageist You’re essentially telling anyone over 50 to shut up and die.

And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.

Hey, I’m an old, menopausal woman. Let’s not stereotype based on age and reproductive status. I’m pro-choice, all the way.

I went to a women’s college and I would not swap it for anything, even when I line it up against the full ride I could have gotten at the state university (stupid stupid you could be debt free right now stupid). There’s someone yammering downthread about how us girls school alums always cite not having to dress up for

MBU Alum here. When I attended it was as an early-admittance student (I enrolled at 16 - on a scholarship- to escape a frankly torturous home life) who didn’t have a high school degree. My test scores were very high, so I got in. I came from an excruciatingly conservative family. One of the only reasons that I was

He makes me [sic] to my stomach.

Black women have always been the most consistent voting block of the Democratic Party but never was it more apparent then now.

Seriously! This is fucking disgusting. White people did this shit. The majority group gave him his key voting bloc (58% of us voted for him) and we’re going to try shit like “but what about the 4% of black women who voted for Trump?” And this is from the supposed white liberals who voted for her?

Couple things:

94% of black women voted for Clinton and only 4% voted for Trump. 96% of black women voted for Obama meaning a similar number voted for Romney. Those are not substantial declines. The vast majority of minority voters supported her. Trump literally had no demographic that supported him as much as black women supported


I didn’t vote for him

We didn’t deserve him. I just pray to whoever will listen that he wasn’t a one-off. That he is a precursor to the kind of people who are to occupy the White House in the upcoming cycles.

I’m trying. I’m really trying. But I may have to tap out on this one. Just seeing that warthog faced buffoon sitting next to President Obama makes every ounce of strength in my body drain down to my feet.

53% of women didn’t vote for Trump. Roughly 50% of women in American didn’t even vote. So roughly 25% of eligible female white voters voted for Drumpf. Still a way too high a figure, but damn well nothing like the majority of us people keep making it out to be. Guess what most of Trumps voters were white men & no

My takeaway is that tying progressive social values to neo-liberal economic values fucked the Democratic party. And the country.

On The Fall, Gillian Anderson’s character says (explaining why a woman seemed to be going willingly with the man who kidnapped and assaulted her), “[S]he might well have been compliant, she might well have submitted but that does not mean she consented.”

I don’t wear make-up and people don’t think I’m brave or cool or edgy. They do frequently comment on how tired I look.

Judging these books by their covers, literally, I would never pick them up - they look like Nicholas Sparks type drivel. But a friend of mine, whose opinion I value (and yes she happens to be a middle-aged woman) raves about them.