
This is wrong.

I agree - voter turnout was pathetic. Those who didn’t vote share in the blame. But among those who voted, African American women were the ones who flatly, overwhelmingly rejected Trump in the way that (in my opinion) we all should have. 95% of non college educated AA women and 91% of college educated AA women voted

No question. There is plenty of blame to go around - starting overwhelmingly with white people, but the one demographic that reliably held it the fuck down for Dems is African American women. Everyone else needs to take a long look at themselves.

I know the feeling well. The thing that worked for me today was to make a plan to get involved. I called my local refugee resettlement office to get info about volunteering. It helped to stave off the sense of existential dread and impotence. Hang in there.

Everything sucks right now but please don’t lose heart and faith. I know it’s a tiny consolation, but at least Hilary will win the popular vote. There’s more of us than there are of them, even if only by a little bit.

Agreed. The only thing keeping me sane right now is the fact that Hilary will win the popular vote. Small consolation but at least I can keep repeating to myself like a mantra “There are more of us than there are of them.”

Great. Your dad is clearly superior.

This is getting insane. I’ve had many heated arguments with my father over the election. But now I’m supposed to cut the man (who loved me, raised me and supported me) out of my life because he’s a conservative who believes in small government? What does that accomplish? I can’t force him to change his life long

After the major polling fail I’m not sure we can truly depend on exit polling, but there are some truly shocking numbers. I just saw one stating that Trump got 29% of Latino votes versus Romneys 27%. Seems like there is plenty of blame to go around.

“Yeah,” he said. “But these aren’t real people who matter. It’s some women’s site that has a bunch of content on it. It’s not a real political discussion or a religious debate. I’m not doing anything malicious. I’m not trying to control the world. I’m just trying to get activity.”

My sister (whose opinion I highly respect regarding books) gave me the first one and I didn’t pick it up for a year based solely on the stupid cover. But once I did, I couldn’t stop reading them or thinking about them. Really well written, really beautiful.

I’m going through the same thing with my mom right now. It really is the most difficult, oppressively sad, emotionally draining experience of my life. It breaks my heart to think about how frightened she must be. Her behavior can also be incredibly frustrating and she can be downright mean and when I’m slightly off

What the mother fuck.

Dear god, the Instagram. The captions were physically painful.

Makeup and photography.

Holy fuck

Nope, not just you. The fact that over 800 people starred that comment and all the subsequent high fives is seriously disheartening.


Yes please. He was the best part of Playing House.