
Yeah. I try to tell myself it’s not really her. The worst is when she gets one of her near constant UTIs. That’s like what I imagine living with Satan is like.

I watched the skit last night, read the blurb three times and have no idea what is being said.

My husband and I take care of my mom, who has early onset Alzheimer’s. I’m going to be honest with you, it’s the worst fucking thing I’ve ever done in my life but I try to take comfort in knowing that once she’s gone, I will feel no guilt because I’ll know that I did everything I couldn’t for her. If you ever need to

I’m much more amused that he appears to believe that men have magnanimously granted women equal rights, but women would never do the same if the positions were reversed.

The guy filming is so chill when approaching. Polite and congenial, the exact opposite of what this kid was hoping to provoke. And then all these intelligent, cool people start laughing at him, pitying him, not rising to his pathetic bait. It’s an inspiring reaction, I don’t know if I could have stayed as calm and

THANK YOU! This video is a brilliant case study in vile racism, the shit that black people have to put up with and how calmly they have to do it, and what thoughtful policing looks like.

Oh, not to worry she did.

For the past few weeks instead of watching tv or listening to left wing talk radio, I’ve been falling to sleep listening to podcasts. I started with My Favorite Murder (hi murderinos!), went through dozens of Last Podcast on the Lefts, now I’m listening to back episodes of (Jezebel commenter recommended) Sword and

Yup. The biggest news coming from this so far is a gun suddenly appearing near his body while police are standing there and those same police being caught on film dropping some “objects” around him. Video to it below.

Apart from that, the two largest third-parties in the US are intellectually bankrupt, untested, and unserious--they don’t court talent and they don’t work very hard at getting competent, skilled people the experience they need to be viable candidates--and the nominees they’ve put forward this year are, respectively, a

Once more, with feeling: voting is about outcomes, not purity, not your identity as a consumer. No third party is going to win this presidential election. Therefore, a protest vote for a third party and an absence of a vote have the same outcome: taking away a potential vote for HRC, which benefits Trump. Everyone is

We had a beloved adorable goofball smell-roy chocolate lab that my dad named Mike (I wanted to name him Hershey. GET IT?). As an adult Mike weighed in, conservatively, at 130 pounds. His head measured slightly larger than a basketball, his bark would shake the rafters, and the only way he could move was to galumph.

You’ve got an agenda here so I’m just gonna peace out. I don’t have any problem with what she did. You won't convince me otherwise.

You just dismiss my reasonable comment? You said nothing of Howard Stern being sleazy in your comment but you specifically said sleazy women, you either understand the context in which you refer to women as sleazy or you just learned because Non-Compliant was kind enough to explain it to you. Own up to it. You’re a

How I feel on Jezebel when a Trump supporter gets upset enough to call someone “cuntface”:

HRC is a compulsive liar.

I used to get the allergies->post-nasal drip->bronchitis all the time when I was in my 20s. I’ve also passed out from dehydration, which is a more likely occurrence when you’re sick... I’m not really seeing the blatant lies here.

Let’s put aside all of the perfectly logical explanations why someone might not immediately know they have pnemonia and assume she lied. Why does it matter? Does anyone really fucking care what precisely is causing her minor, incredibly treatable illness? You (and others) seem to think that if she lied about having