
An interesitng exception here is Shintaro Katsu, who I believe was arrested in the late 80s/ early 90s with cocaine strapped to his body at an airport. Usually the Japanese people would have been outraged, but Katsu-shin had this persona of being a lovable oaf that the people sort of just went “oh, but that crazy ole’

I still got this game on the Playstation in my drawer. Playing this with my brother is one of my earliest memories of video games. I always played as Boba Fett vehicle or not!

Addressing those problems and having a way to do something about them is literally what unions do.

Or literally anywhere in Western Europe

Americans sound so unreal to me. Basically every improvement to the lives of workers around the world is due to unions. Never once, ever, has execs just decided to improve the everyday reality of working at their company for no other reason than to be nice. Never. Unions is the reason we don’t have 13 hour workdays

Nah those were ports, not full on remakes

That's funny cause my in-laws are Greek and I have seen that exact scenario play out

I first watched Avatar at 18, just a bit over 5 years ago and I have watched it twice since. It more than deserves its praise

I have nightmares about the recent Berserk anime, and not the good kind that the manga gave me

Many of those games are turnbased action tactics games, playing Xcom or Battletech is a wholly different experience than Shadow Tactics

Another reason this one piece of advice falls flat is because it ignores the writer's possible intent. What if I wanna write a story about an adventurer's inabily to readjust to normal farm life after slaying the big dragon? Not the most exciting event of his life, but why should that mean it won't be a good story?

I have seen a bunch of news stories covering this game lately, and I gotta ask.. What’s the interest? I have never heard of the first game before, let alone this sequel. What’s the sudden interest in this tiny studio and this, imo, pretty crap looking game?

I’m genuinely curious what people felt lacking in the Witcher 3's combat. I felt it was fun and satisfying. What exactly was that made it bad?

To be fair, he’s saying these problems are minor and not in urgent need of fixing, not that they cant’t be improved at all. I’ve yet to try either game though, and have always played Monster Hunter alone, so I don’t have much of a reference to draw from.

Besides the best pieces of fiction are the ones that can be discussed and interpreted for a long time. A work completely lacking the need to be explained would be incredibly uninteresting imo

*Clap clap clap

I’ve come to react gleefully whenever I see a new piece by you Heather. Love your stuff, and I agree with this 100%

I almost always stick the handguns in Uncharted. Drake just feels like a gunslinging kind of guy, it also fits my preferred way of playing those games, running up to enemies shooting from the hip and finishing them with a punch to the face.

Snatcher is hands down one of the best games I have played. There really is nothing like it.

I think I speak for all Europeans when I say it’s the guilty pleasure of our entire continent