
Definately agree with those scenes feeling stretched out. I’d also count the bit with Quill asking around for tape, just felt too drawn out. Like that old Family Guy knee scrape joke.

This design choice was honestly my only gripe with the game. I get it, he’s the warrior character, but they could have designed him with the basic Edo samurai look. Something like this

I keep having this problem with the dual timeline theory. It just doesn’t add up. We know that MiB exists in the same timeline as the main plot, because he’s interacted with Ford and Hale. But before Dolores interacts with Bernard while being with William. Also seeing the MiB actually showing up when Dolores is in the

There already is a mod for that called Accurate Attack, it considerably ups the pace of the game too, since with a 100% hit chance you really only need a good weapon to go to the high level areas.

Morrowind is a “smaller” game than Skyrim, but it has much more role-playing depth and frankly feels like it has more content overall. Skyrim may be bigger, but you just kind of do the same things over and over.

Now playing

I would REALLY argue that John Woo’s Last Hurrah for Chivalry should be on this list. The choreography really is unsurpassed to this day. Just look at this scene. It is right in the MIDDLE of the movie.