
Magic kinda explains why there hasn’t been any technologial advancement made ever in the TES games

I’m going to throw this out there. How about Tom Holland?
For real, picture it. Evil Tom Holland. Doesn’t look right, does it?
That’s why it works.

I remember hoping for a big adventure, or at least something like the movie

I owned a copy of this! 8 year old me was very, very, dissapointed

In ancient Egypt they had modern dice.
Stick-shaped dice are still a thing in Eurasia, there’s a Mongolian game where you throw sticks with color on one side, and you add up the ones ones with the colored side up, in order to move across a board.

This comment makes the linguist in me die a bit, but it is hilarious none the less

In my experience Ninja Scrolls is way harder to get into for non anime fans than Champloo. Its use of tropes is way heavier, not to mention the violence and sexual stuff. On the flip side, Champloo is fun and breezy at first but packs alot of punch later, and it has barely any fan service, which I’ve found to be the

Funny thing is that they could just base abilities off the stuff they do in the Icelandic sagas. Those stories are full of awsome physical feats and it would be a great marketing thing to say.

While the abilities in Oddysey were fun, I have tons and tons of options of power fantasies in games. A grounded combat system where you feel like a human being kicking ass honestly sounds more unique and exciting to me.
I’m sure that’s not what they’ll be aiming for.

THUG2 was my favorite in the whole series. Might be because was the only one I owned and didn’t have to play at my friend’s house...

The creature is by far the most soulful character in the book.

That and the fact that this is about historical samurai and Nioh and Sekiro are very much fantasy with samurai aesthetics.
This game is leaning heavily on Japanese jidaigeki films of the 50s and 60s, which is both unique and appeals to my tastes in film, that alone makes stand out

Black and white filter is cool but know what really sold this for me?

Same. AC was at its best when it was about conspiracies in historical settings, with the Isu things hidden in the background. Tbh I never cared to know more about them. They left powerful artefacts on Earth, that’s really all you need. 

My hope is that they’ll do expansions focusing on the various other areas where the Norse went. One for the Baltic (I’m Swedish so give me Birka, Sigtuna and Uppsala or I will complain), and of course Vinland. Scotland and a return to Constantinople would also rock.

Which is a shame because I honestly prefer the original design. The way the blade sticks out from between his fingers as he closes his fist just looks way better. It can also tells you alot about the character’s resolve.

Getting the hidden blade back is cool, and blending in crows was missed.

I’ve played some games where you lose the unusued bullets when you reload, and it doesn’t lead to micromanagement imo. It makes for interesting decisions. Do I reload now and have 30 bullets to use on the next guy around the corner, or do I conserve ammo by waiting until I finish the 14 bullets I still have?

I never even realized she Lucy was played by Kristen Bell until now, and now I can’t unsee her face.

I’m hoping it will be more nuanced. I get the feeling that trailer wants to bring up how the Saxon perception of the Norse as “savages” was far from the truth, which is true, the Norse were a sophisticated culture and actually VERY similar to Saxon culture at the time, the key difference was basically religion and