
To be fair to Rabban and most characters not named Paul or Jessica, there’s a lot of hand-wavy business when it comes to events in Dune. Paul is clearly the core of the story, and the writing heavily reflects that. Events happen, Paul is told of them, or a conversation happens in which we find out that events have

It’s IMO kinda sad

Saying “thats the point, its a super hero game” is not conducive to thoughtful analysis and dicussion, and serves only to scatter bomb the conversation rather than to engange in anything meaningful. All media and art is worthy of frank and in depth discussion. 

Yeah, but at what cost?

“What did it mean for the Vikings of the Norse to land in England and to cohabitate?”

Black and white filter is cool but know what really sold this for me?

But what even are Assassin’s Creed games anymore?

That is not, at all, how a virus works. What I don’t like to hear is magical ignorance masquerading as enlightened pseudoscience.

For some reason I read that as “tonkatsu” and was all kinds of confused

Looks like no amount of ball pits can save the unofficial convention now.

Better than 99% of journalism imo. You showed initiative and followed through. The results show a deluded individual who was tricking countless people and news outlets into believing in his nonsense just so he could somehow validate his insecurities and seem important.