
For what it's worth, D&D were clear the Hodor thing comes directly from GRRM.

Hodor. ::sniffle::


“Fuck. So close.”

I am a fan of Bond No9 West Side. It is like a boozy vanilla rose scent. It sticks on me and my cloths forever.

But here’s the thing: college girls aren’t wearing school girl uniforms. If we’re talking porn, the “school girl” fantasy also includes babytalk and pigtails, which, in general, is not something college aged girls do. Further, while people are sexually inexperienced at all ages, in school girl porn the “adult” women

I’m sorry you feel we’re not being sufficiently charitable about men’s desires to pretend they’re fucking underage girls, Mr Male Feminist.

I struggle to see how this fantasy is not about age? There are elements of power, control, dominance related to the schoolgirl age. There are the aspects of purity, the forbidden and naughtiness...also related to age. There's nothing of 'consenting adult' in the scenario.

Does the fact that it’s a common fantasy negate the fact that it’s fantasizing about someone pretending to be a little girl? I don’t think so.

Let me put it to you this way. How many people seeing this story in any media outlet are going to think some version of “I hope the 22 y/0 bro who was somehow tasked with sole authority over this very high profile and embarrassing incident was fired!” You can talk all you want about your experience in this arena, and

Sure, me too. But I also know lots of men who would be a lot more comfortable with women dancing on the tables than participating in any other way.

Or dressed as teenaged girls.

I will never understand the sexy schoolgirl thing. It’s like, “Okay guys, feel free to act out your pedophilic fantasies crime-free!”

I know men who would have been uncomfortable at this event too, honestly.

Look Microsoft, having a “women in gaming” lunch is great! But you can’t use that as a sheild when you then make women incredibly uncomfortable in the spaces where a lot of networking connections are going to get made.

Having eroticized female dancers at a professional gathering is gross enough, but the “sexy schoolgirl” thing is extra disgusting.

I just called to say I love you.

You rang?

Cigarettes. In fancy bowls. Everywhere. How glamorous.