
We solved it. Girls get wife's last name. Boys get mine. Problem solved. :-)

This is kind of off the topic, but Holy Crap I am so glad we have so far been very lucky with vets. Our dog was a rescue and about 6 weeks after coming home it became apparent she had some health issues; first they thought it was kidney failure, and then it turned out to be Addisons (the same disease JFK had!). Both

“the woman card, an all-powerful card worth 78.3% of a regular card”

Awesome turn of phrase.
(awful that it’s true. :()

Its never ideal, it's divorce, but I'd say no one should feel they need to not date or get out there at all for multiple years after a relationship has ended, just because the legal aspects are taking that long.

How old are you? You obviously haven’t ever had an adult relationship in your life and you clearly don’t have the slightest idea how divorce or separation even works. Do I think it is smart to bring somebody into this mess? Do you honestly think the mess would be better after we sign a piece of paper? My boyfriend’s

Are we supposed to just ignore the fact that she suddenly started looking like the Madame toussaud on crack version of herself?

I don’t know what Gwen is thinking.

Also: a parade of step-parents and step-siblings in and out of a child’s life totally fucks with the child’s sense of stability and ability to trust others.

I had a professor who was a relationship therapist and she said that the most common complaint she received was about the unequal division of household chores. I believe there is even research to back this up, but I might be mistaken.

Or perhaps because men tend not to have friends/community ties the way women do and have a greater need to be in a relationship.

It seems as though men are more likely to remarry and do so much faster. I’ve seen statistics to this effect. Maybe it’s because of the “bitches be crazy” conditioning and they think they have nothing to do with the relationship failing? Or perhaps because men tend not to have friends/community ties the way women do

With some people, it isn’t because they’re assholes. It’s because their picker is broken, and they keep picking the same assholes.

My idiot soon to be ex husband is already engaged to his girlfriend (of less than a year) before our divorce is even final. I don’t fucking get it. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about 9 months (he is also divorced, and had kids close in age to my own daughter) and we have already talked about the

What’s the saying? Everyone encounters some assholes along the way, but if everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe you’re the asshole.

The pregnant lady wants what the pregnant lady wants. And lest she unleash her raging hormones on your ass, it puts the potato chips on the tuna or it gets the hose again.

English? The accent gets me every time.

It’s not the most damaging double standard out there, but it is supremely annoying.

Fresh and covered in butter?

If People Magazine thinks that tuna noodle casserole is a sign of perfection, its standards are even lower than I thought.

Would it have been Von Queso-Fresco? If so, I feel like you may have missed an opportunity. ;-)