My hubs just made fun of me for still having a email address! It still works. :)
My hubs just made fun of me for still having a email address! It still works. :)
Right! In good faith. It isn't like your grandma's antique engagement ring that you can get back, if the engagement goes bad. You can never really get all of your pics back!
I beg to differ. I think the only reason this is legal is that it hasn't affected enough men in power, yet. Now, they're all losing their shit because you know Kuhn, Schindler, and Weiner aren't the only dudes with dick pics floating around. I don't think Kuhn should have resigned over this. He obviously made the…
I mean, the macaroni's soggy and the peas are mushed, and the chicken tastes like wood.
Exactly! Us old folks remember when ZZ Top's "Pearl Necklace" was shocking! We understood that Alice Cooper's "Cold Ethel" was merely for shock value. A pearl necklace was dirty, but might happen in real life. Nobody ever talked about ladies getting loads blown all over their faces, or cream pies, or whatever!…
too bad I clicked through and watch the video with the chicks dressed like bees! #byehoney Gawd, I need Will Smith and that special pen of his to erase my fucking brain.
Dating Lance Armstrong really nutted up her career.
ouch. double ouch. The Hound and The Mountain are destined to duke it out, right? RIGHT?!
Oh, ok. I thought that maybe Tywin told her that if he turned against Tyrion, his life would be spared. (or some shit) It isn't like Shae had any power. Tywin wanting to bang a woman that his hated son's imp (but not limp!) dick had been in is just baffling to me. Tywin wanted that whore out of out...then, into his…
I hope this is true!
Tywin getting it on the shitter was a classic move. Was Shae already banging Tywin when she turned on Tyrion? Seems like there should be about 2 minutes worth of story between the two events.
"Impetuous Imp" is my favorite!
Holy shitballs! How many pancake spatulas were sacrificed for this invention? #frillyladyflaps #nevernaked
I got the hell out as fast as possible. I don't watch True Blood, or eat seafood, or like fireworks because of my years there. : (
Ahhhh, my place of birth. Obviously, he has never been to Ruston or Monroe.
I can't even imagine how shitty the tips must be at Cracker Barrel and Waffle House. Old people splitting a Luann plate at Luby's...does not bode well for a sever earning a reasonable tip.
When my milk came in with baby #2, I said to hubs, "If you ever wonder what I would look like with a boob job, this is it." and I opened my robe...and he was horrified! It was like two footballs sticking off of my chest! Bahaha! Size F nursing bras, at first, and then they settled down. :) (normally, I'm a C cup)
People make it sound easy, too. I mean, if every mother in every National Geographic magazine can breast feed while working the fields, why can't YOU do it sitting in your comfy chair? @@ I was born in 1970, which meant my mother did not breastfeed me. She did smoke about a pack of Kool menthols daily, as well as…