
Especially given the fact that audio description is trying to not interfere with dialog, so it requires succinct writing and reading to describe the action while it’s happening and keep pace with the movie.

I get why you’d think that, but books have way more leeway to digress, elaborate, and dive into characters’ thoughts. Most books are way more verbose than a GM should be. (Except maybe Hemingway, but that’s a pretty high bar to reach when you’re narrating on the fly.)

Under the US Constitution, the President has the power to grant pardons for federal criminal offenses, and not in cases of impeachment (as noted in article above). The governors of each state have the authority to grant pardons for state crimes (pursuant to their state constitutions, and I am not entirely sure but I

I just saw a large segment about this with Auntie Rachel, and it is truly a trip to Crazytown. Apparently, part of the problem is that the lawyers Cheeto Hitler was able to hire are not Washington constitutional scholars, since all of the big DC firms bounced him when his people came sniffing around looking for

I think Donald may know a thing or two about not paying taxes.

It didn’t after the Civil War, though, although sharecropping, convict labor, and the Black Codes were basically 85% of the way to slavery when you get down to it.

Of course the Civil War was about economics. The economics of being able to buy and sell other human beings. To build an economy based on free labor that either worked or died (often both). To sell children, siblings, cousins, friends at a whim, destroying families to add a few dollars to the bottom line.

Right, it was TOTALLY about economics in that the slave-dependent agricultural economy of the south would collapse if slavery were abolished.

I’m surprised by the mix here. It seems to run the gamut from indie game likely from a single developer to a niche but established RPG series to a game from one of the quintessential RTS series. I would’ve thought cheap ripoff games would dominate the bottom, but the disappointment for established fans runs deep.

Given how much damage the Clinton email shit had and how little she actually lost by? Yeah, I think it would have mattered. A lot. We’re talking four states decided from a bit over a point to less than a quarter of a point. This was the difference between winning and losing. The high number of third party votes? Yeah,

Im sober reading this and so so jealous of both of you right now.

I’m sure he totally asked the White House about the public Clinton email announcements, though. Yeah, okay, sure.

if i recall, you get offers after finishing one of their storylines. forget if that was in me 1 or 3

A wild fedora-guy appears!

Those praying the gay away camps never made any sense to me for a bevy of reasons, if a parent is afraid their child will be gay, why would you send them to a camp with other hot gay kids? Doesn’t make any sense.

The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

I’m not gonna lie, this was weirdly fascinating. It sounds like there is more apologizing going on in the men’s locker room than the ladies. And more sex, but I don’t believe I go to a terribly lesbian cruisey gym. Do those even exist?

i don’t drink it i just keep it around to throw in bobby’s face

Not a doctor, but I do teach biology. Pus is mainly dead white blood cells suspended in a fluid that contains quite a bit of protein.